Expression of Interest are invited for Investment Promotion - Jordan Semiconductors The purpose of this assignment is to design and execute a comprehensive investment promotion campaign aimed at attracting investments in semiconductor assembly, packaging, and testing facilities (back-end manufacturing) in Jordan. SCOPE OF WORK 1. Value proposition developing The consultant shall develop a value proposition - compelling promotional materials, highlighting the unique advantages and benefits the country offers to potential investors, such as: Brochures and investment guides highlighting Jordans competitive advantages and success stories. Digital content, including videos, presentations, social media content and website resources. Case studies and testimonials from successful investors in Jordan. The materials should present a compelling narrative to attract investments by showcasing why Jordan is attractive for semiconductor back-end manufacturing. This can include, but not limited to presentation of: a. Strategic Location b. Business-Friendly Environment c. Cost Competitiveness d. Skilled Workforce e. Infrastructure and Utilities f. Market Potential g. Innovation and Technology Support h. Stability and Predictability i. Sustainability and ESG Commitment j. Customizable benefits and incentives for investors, support services and regulatory advantages offered by the Government. 2. Strategy Development · Develop a comprehensive sectoral investment promotion strategy tailored to the semiconductors back-end. · Identify target markets and investor segments, focusing on global leaders and large regional players in the semiconductors value chain. · Identify the sub-sectors that are most viable and promising for semiconductors back-end manufacturing in Jordan. · Identify at least twenty potential international investors, with contacts details and brief rationale for inclusion in the list. · Develop the implementation plan for the strategy, which should include active stakeholder consultation and engagement, the M&E framework, required resources and timeline. 3. Campaign Design and Implementation Plan and execute an integrated promotional campaign, aimed at promoting Jordan as an investment location and attracting international investors in the semiconductor manufacturing. The campaign shall include: Lead Generation and Investor Engagement: Organize at least ten bilateral meetings with a minimum of ten potential investor companies at the C-level (virtual or in-person). These meetings should facilitate discussions between the Ministry of Investment, Jordanian industry representatives, and prospective investors interested in establishing operations in Jordan. Roadshows: Conduct roadshows in target regions to directly engage potential investors and stakeholders. The campaign should include roadshows in three regions Asia, Europe, USA. Exhibitions: Identify key international trade fairs and exhibitions, related to semiconductors manufacturing, advisable for Jordans officials and industry representatives to participate in. For all events, the consultant will be responsible for: · Developing the program, content, materials, the list of invitees. · Logistical arrangements, including booking appropriate venues with all technical support (presentation equipment, audio-visual equipment, etc.) for the events outside Jordan. Cost of the venues and supporting services will be covered by IFC separately. · Sending invitations and follow-up letters to potential investors to ensure a good level of participation. · Developing and implementing a tailored marketing strategy and action plan, including post-events engagement, for all events. · Collecting feedback from participants and preparing post-events reports. 4. Stakeholder Engagement · Collaborate with government agencies (first of all, the Ministry of Investment and Ministry of Industry), embassies abroad, chambers (Jordan Chamber of Industry), trade associations, and private sector stakeholders to align promotional efforts. · Engage international trade and investment organizations to amplify the campaigns reach. · Facilitate networking to connect potential investors with local businesses and associations to build partnerships. · The consultant shall take into consideration the goals and objectives of the investment promotion strategies and efforts by the Ministry of investment and coordinate the work with the Ministry. 6. Monitoring and Reporting Track and report on the effectiveness of promotional activities, including attendance, leads generated, and feedback obtained from participants. Provide recommendations for future promotion and investor engagement efforts. Tender Link :