Annual Maintenance (Stage) By Way Of Hardware Repairs, Day To Day Repair Demands And Associated Maintenance Works At Skicc For The Year 2025-26- 1 P/f of following hadware items 2 4" hinges 3 Tower bolt in brass 4 6" 5 8" 6 1" 7 Tower bolt in aluminium 8 4" 9 6" 10 8" 11 12" 12 Hydraulic door closer heavy duty weight of door upto 368 kgs and width upto 711 mm of existing patterm 13 Handles Brass made 14 5" 15 4" 16 3" 17 Heavy locks of existing patters with lock and key arrangement and handle (Fancy and brass made) Standard make 18 Ihook (brass made) 19 Door stopper standard make heavy duty 20 Channels for drawers (heavy duty standard make) 21 12" 22 18" 23 24" 24 Almira Locks (Concealed ) 25 Sliding door locks bolts with keys (Link/Ramson or equivalent) 26 Handles for drawers (knob type) 27 P/f of frame work made of 1st quality deodar wood 28 sections above 3"x 4" 29 1.5" x 2" section 30 P/f of frame work made of high quality imported wood/budloo wood 31 sections above 3"x 4" 32 1.5" x 2" section 33 1.5" x 4" 34 P/f of plywood of standard make (Plain) 35 6 mm 36 8 mm 37 12 mm 38 19 mm 39 P/f of plywood of standard make (waterproof) 40 6 mm 41 8 mm 42 12mm 43 19 mm 44 P/f of window panes in windows and celestory works along with removing of old damged window panes, making good the edges and fixing of panes using silicone sealant and requesite beading and nails 45 3.5 mm 46 5 mm 47 6 mm toughened 48 8 mm toughened 49 12 mm toughened 50 P/f of marble top on counters of existing sahde i/c removing of damged tops and fixing of new top on requisite adhesive/chemicals 51 Engagement of Skilled/non skilled labour on need basis 52 Carpeneter for rewedging, cramping of window shutters, and conducting major repairs of wooden joinery to make it fit to reuse, repairs to furnitiure etccomplete job 53 Helper for carpenter 54 Labour 55 Plumber 56 Mason 57 Skilled labour for refixing of fiber sheets on roofs, pruning of trees, welder and other similar nature works that require a special skill. 58 Applying priming coats with primer of approved brand and manufacture,having low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) 59 With ready mixed pink or grey primer on wood work (hard and soft wood) having VOC content less than 5 grams/ liter 60 With ready mixed red oxide zinc chromatic on steel / iron works 61 With water thinnable cement primer on wall surface having VOC content less than 5 grams/liter 62 Painting with synthetic enamel paint on wood based surfaces incl two coats of primer of approved brand including prepration of surface 63 Scratching and sand papering of surfaces and making the surface sqmooth 64 Applying wall putty 2 mm thick i/c sqmootheing the surface by way of sandpapering 65 Wall painting with premium acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 5 grams/ liter of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour (two Coats) 66 P/a of textured wall putty in walls in existing pattern i/c coat of cement primer. 67 Repairs to plaster of thickness 12mm to 2 mm in patches of area 2.5 sq. meters and under, including cutting the patch in proper shape raking out joints and preparing and plastering the surface of the walls complete including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 5 meters lead. With cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) 68 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 mix finished with a floating coat of neat cement i/c cement slurry and cureingcomplete job. 5 mm 69 Applying spirit polishing two or more coats on old work 70 P/f of vertical blinds of approved brand incl c/o installatioins 71 Channels for vertical blinds of existing pattern 72 Zebra blinds of standard make. 73 Strips of vertical blind of standard quality 74 Providing and fixing of Hasp and Staple (chupkas) with screws complete Stainless steel of approved quality (9 cm) 75 Providing and fixing 25mm dia chromium plated brass curtain rod having wall thickness of 1.25mm with two chromium plated brass brackets fixed with C.P. brass screws and PVC sleeves etc., wherever necessary complete. 76 Providing & fixing fly proof wire guaze using G.I wire of average width 1.4mm with wire incl beading and removing old damaged worn out wire guaze c.job as directed at site. 77 Repairs to RRM in devri stone laid in layers i/c dismantling of damaged part, cleaning of stone, refixing in original position in cement mortar 1:3 mix, i/c cost of pointing and stone wash to match the existing pattern quarry stone and rough chiselled. 78 Varnishing with varnish of approved brand and manufacture old work with one or more coats. 79 Extra for chisel dressed Devri Stone in square or rectangular Pillars 80 New work with all new materials (Athwajan green stone). 81 Repairs to Baramullah stone paths in patches i/c removing, levlloing of sub strata and refixing in position (Old materail only) 82 P/F of for new Baramulla Stone 83 Repairs to side drain in path including removal of the existing stones in patches, preparation of the sub surface by way of laying of cement concrete and reficing in position in cement mortar and pointing. Complete job. 84 P/f of kota stone in patches i/c removing of existing damaged patches, making ready the surface by way of dismantling of cement concrete under, and laying in position new stone in patches. 85 Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thick over 2mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing, polishing and curing complete with base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : 86 Kota stone slab 2 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm ( average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing, polishing and curing complete 87 P/f of storage almirahs made of 19 mm blockboard, with 12 mm back with flush shutters of 19 mm block board, shelves, teak lining of approved brand, all hardware fittings including fancy handles and lockscomplete job 88 9" deep 89 12 " deep 90 15 " deep 91 18" deep 92 24" deep 93 Structural steel work in built up sections etc. 94 Providing and fixing of CGI sheet roofing .5mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gram/mm2 95 Providing and fixing of 8mm thick pergo flooring including foam and cornice. 96 Providing and fixing of 2x2mm vitrified antiskid tiles 97 P/F of glazed wall tiles in walls 98 Repairs of existing devri stone work including required cheselling, setting right and disposed stone including other repairs complete job. 99 P/A of weather sheild paint to existing surface. 100 Repairs of Gyp board ceiling by dismantling the old damaged portion of gypboard including applying new gryboard of same specification and thickness as already fixed including applying POP/putty paint of same pattern also including all the fixtures necessary complete job. 101 Providing and fixing of flex boards of different pattern and designs as directed on MS frames flex of waterproof material of different size. 102 Providing and fixing of boards in the offices made on acrylic base, with letters written in lasaer cut adhesive film of desired shade and installed on brackets made of flats at the back and to hang the board including cost of screws nails and isntallation in place complete job. 103 A bracket made of flats 6" back and protruding out ot designed length with slant flat for stability i/c installation and painting in desired shade. 104 Acrylic base upto 12" long 105 Lettering 106 Repalcement of damaged 12mm thick circular glass on see through wall at L.A Garden i/c cost of cutting hole in the centre, currting in circular shape, cutting out a hole in the centre and etching in existing pattern and cost of fixing at site. 107 P/F of wooden boards made of walnut wood duly polished and with letters made of brass of desired shade and installed on ornamental type brackets made of flats and to hung the board including cost of screws, nails and installation in place compelete job. 108 A bracket made of flats 6" back and protuding out ot designed length with slant flat for stability i/c installation and painting in desired shade. 109 Walnut wood base with polish upto 12"long 110 Brass lettering 111 Pointing on sotne work with cement mortar 1:3, raise and cut pointing. 112 Providing and fixing of fibre sheet of desired colour including repair to anyu existing jombs use of any nuts, bolts and hinges etc. complete job. 113 Providing and laying of cement concrete of required grade excluding costg of form work cement concrete 1:4:8 mix. 114 Refixing of existing ceemnt concrete tiles complete job including use of cement mortar or sand for refixing. 115 Providing and laying of stone soling hand packed including carriage complete job. 116 Providing and fixing of Mossaic tiles of existing pattern in fountain area inclyuding dismantling of existing tiles and removal of mulba away from site to a suitable place identified by Engineer Incharge including trouting complete job. 117 Providing and fixing of acrylic sheet 3mm or above of different colours complete job, including nutss, bolts etc. complete. 118 Providing and fixing of rubber wood roatered in different shapes and sizes (ornamantal type) 12mm thick. 119 Providing and fixing of aluminum partition ACP boards in panels/partitions of minimum, tickers 3.5 3.5mm having frames of hollow aluminum sections (2" x 11/2") colour coated beadings, bolts, gaskets, rubbers, washers, nuts, dash fasteners, hinges, hardware fittings in doors etc. as per requirement complete job. 120 Grassing with selection No. 1 grass including watering and maintain of lawn for 3o days or more till the grass form a thick lawn free from weeding fit for mowing including supplying of good earth if needed (the good earth shall be paid separately. 121 with grass turf 122 Shampooing of carpet by way of engagement of skilled labour and using carpet celean shampoo of standar quality complete job. 123 Reparing of Auditorium chairs by way of chaniging of upholstery, foam, including making the chair reusable incl. use of any nails and polishing complete job. 124 Providing and laying of cement concrete of 1:2:4 mix excluding cost of formwork complete job 20 mm n/s agg 125 Providing and filling of eath in layers not exceeding 200 mm incl rolling by mechanical means or by compaction by manual means including carraige complete job 126 Chequerred precast cement concrete tiles 22mm thick in footpath andcourtyard, jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to matchthe shade of the tiles, including rubbing, cleaning and curing complete,on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) .Ordinary cement without any pigment. 127 Chequerred precast cement tiles 2" thick of existing pattern and specifications in footpath and courtyard, laid oversand filling 1" thick in proper camber and shape complete job 128 servicing of wooden partition panels in banquet hall by way of opening each panel from the channel tightening of the screws, greasing and refixing on channel. 129 Providing and fixing of wheel assembly of the panels of banquet hall complete job of existing specifications complete job