Tenders are invited for Floor Finishes Terrazzo and Ceramic Tile Flooring. 6. Bids must be delivered to the address in paragraph 9 below on or before April 20, 2025, at 11:00 AM (East Africa Time). (copy the original in a USB), Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the Conference Room, Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy in the presence of the Bidders designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at 11.30 AM (East Africa Time). The Bidder shall submit the following additional documents in its Bid: Valid Registration from Ministry of Public works Reconstruction & Housing, FGS. A declaration of certificate that the bidder has fulfilled the obligation to pay tax - a valid tax clearance certificate (TCC) with TIN (Q2 2025 must be attached) (Applicable to local suppliers in Somalia). Code of Conduct for Contractors Personnel (ES) The Bidder shall submit its Code of Conduct that will apply to Contractors Personnel (as defined in Sub- Clause 1 (ii) of the General Conditions of Contract), to ensure compliance with the Contractors Environmental and Social (ES) obligations under the Contract. The Bidder shall use for this purpose the Code of Conduct form provided in Section IV. No substantial modifications shall be made to this form, except that the Bidder may introduce additional requirements, including as necessary to take into account specific Contract issues/risks. Action Plan for the implementation of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) The Bidder shall submit an Action Plan to manage risks and implement mitigation measures as laid out in the project ESMP. The Contractor shall be required to submit for approval and subsequently implement the Action Plan in accordance with the Particular Conditions of Contract Sub-Clause 16.2, that includes the agreed mitigation measures, some of which have been listed below. Ensure that labor is sourced and managed responsibly including the set-up of workers Grievance Redress mechanisms Ensure workers PPE complies with good practice Meet COVID-19 health measures Prepare and implement Occupational Health and Safety Plan Conduct safety risk assessment Prepare waste management plan Safety precautions for nearby community To enable adequate preparation of Action Plan please refer to the following Environmental and Social Management Plans provided. Construction of the Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, Federal Government of Somalia - HQ Office in Abdiaziz District, Benadir Region Tender Link : https://somalijobs.com/tenders
Contact Information
Badmaal Office near Ali Jimcale Mosque Room number: 2nd floor City: Mogadishu Tel: +252 617071111 / +252 634033214
addow.ssfdp@gmail.com / ssfdp.mfbe@gmail.com
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