Quotation are invited for Fabrication and Supply of Inter-Cooler Tube Bundle for Service Air Compressor E-Station Fabrication and Sup 1032500974 E-STATION Fabrication and supply of Inter-cooler Tube bundle for Service Air compressor: - 02 No. Order Execution: 1) FAISAL ALREMEITHI 0504646417 - FAISAL.ALREMEITHI@DEWA.GOV.AE 1 ITEM-00001 FABRICATION AND SUPPLY OF INTER-COOLER TUBE BUNDLE FOR SERVICE AIRCOMPRESSOR: - 02 NO.SCOPE OF WORK: -1.#VENDOR HAS TO FABRICATE A N EW COMPLETE TUBE BUNDLE.2.#VENDOR SHOULD PERFROM SITE VISIT TO CHECK EXISTING TUBE BUNDLEBEFORE SUBMITTING QUOTATION.3.#VENDOR SHOUL D MAKE FABRICATION DRAWING BASED ON THE EXISTING TUBEBUNDLE AND GET APPROVAL FROM DEWA ENGINEERS.4.#ALL THE MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR T HE FABRICATION IS UNDER THE VENDORSCOPE.5.#VENDOR SHOULD CONSIDER SEAMLESS ALUMINIUM BRASS TUBE, NAVAL BRASSTUBE SHEET AND STAINLESS STEEL FOR BAFFLE PLATE.6.#APPROXIMATE DIMENSION OF TUBE BUNDLE:- LENGTH # 2240 MM,60# NOS. OFTUBE #OD # 20MM AND 1.1MM THICK, 6 TIE ROD, 9# BAFFLE PLATES.#7.#PRESSURE TEST OF THE TUBE BUNDLE TO BE CARRIED OUT FOR 10 BARPRESSURE.8.#ALL THE JOINTS TO BE TESTED BY V ENDOR AND DETAIL REPORT NEED TOSUBMIT TO DEWA.9.#VENDOR SHOULD PROVIDE 2 YEARS WARRANTY.ORDER EXECUTION: 1) FAISAL ALREMEITHI 050464 6417 - FAISAL.ALREMEITHI@DEWA.GOV.AE 2) KRUNAL BHATT - 0529515297 - KRUNAL.BHATT@DEWA.GOV.AE 3) SAIF ALQATTAN 0501520553- SAIF.ALQAT TAN@DEWA.GOV.AE 4) MAHMOOD MOHAMMAD 0504231413 - MAHMOOD.MOHAMMAD@DEWA.GOV.AE 2 JOB STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS 1) Prices should be DDP delivery duty paid at DEWA stores. 2) Quotation to be submitted only in local currency U.A.E Dirhams 3) DEWA Standard payment terms is 30 days credit from the date of acceptance of material 4) No DEWA staff or his or her relatives up to third degree should have ownership or partnership in your company, and your participation in DEWA tenders / RFQs should not constitute a Conflict or perceived Conflict of Interest. Supplier Registration: https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/irj/portal/anonymous/regis Tender Link : https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSRM_RFX_REG_BID_SRV/AttachmentSet(2412500489)/$value
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