Repairing Of Equipment/Instrument/Machineries, Tools Etc. Of Laboratories And Workshops Of Mechanical, Electrical, Civil And Chemical Engineering Departments Of Hooghly Institute Of Technology, Hooghly.- 1 Oscilloscope/Pacific (POS 2020) 25MHz ,SL NO 99101306 2 Oscilloscope/Pacific (POS 20) 15MHz ,SL NO 992575 3 Oscilloscope/Pacific (POS 20) 15MHz ,SL NO 992574 4 Control circuit Trainer kit, Make: TTTI,Chandigarh 5 Trainer Kit for Characteristics of Diac 6 Trainer Kit for Characteristics of SCR 7 Trainer Kit for Characteristics of UJT 8 Trainer Kit for Single phase control full wave rectifier 9 Variac/Dimmer Dot, Sr. no- 1281-2102 10 3-phase Variac (Variable auto transformer) 15A, Sl-1294/341 11 Dc series motor with breaking arrangement, Sl.No. 33 NO 34, 1000rpm 12 Dc series motor with breaking arrangement, Sl.No. 33 NO 32, 1000rpm 13 Oil insulation breakdown strength trainer kit make: FOSTER 14 LVDT Trainer Kit 15 Motor Alternator, .5 H.P.220V 1450RPM, with hand operator starter, Motor No. X12787, Alternator No. 678121 16 Parallel operation of alternator set (Make: Lancashire Dynamo) Synchronization panel (Make: Power Equipment London 17 Regulated DC Power supply, Model 3002, 0-15V/2A and 0-30V/2A, Make Saha E. and Pacific 18 Strain-Guage trainer kit with amplifier 19 DC 3 point starter panel 20 DC 4 Point Starter Panel 21 Lamp & Motor speed control set up training kit 22 Relay test set. Type: TRM100D 23 Rheostatic Speed control of Induction motor. Make-Saha Elec. 24 DC compound wound motor with Generator set. Sl-70WA566 Make- Mawdslay ltd. 25 DC motor - generator set. Sl no- F82A031. Make-Crompton Parkinson 26 Three phase motor with Star connected resistance. Sl- Z2896/1 Ame Airedale Electrical & Mfg. co. ltd. 27 Servo controlled voltage stabilizer. Make Winy Electronics 28 RENOLDS APPARATUS 29 ORIFICEMETER, ROTAMETER,VENTURY COMBINED APPARATUS 30 ROTAMETER CALIBRATION SET-UP APPARATUS 31 V NOTCH APPARATUS 32 ORIFICE METER MANNUAL TYPE APPARATUS 33 PACKED BED ABSORPTION APPARATUS 34 PLATE AND FRAME FILTER PRESS APPARATUS 35 VACCUMEDRYERAPPARATUS 36 FLUIDIZEDBEDAPPARATUS 37 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITYAPPARATUS 38 HOT AIR OVEN 39 THERMAL EXPANTION OF STEEL APPARATUS 40 BALL MILL APPARATUS 41 PULVIZER APPARATUS 42 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH 43 UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER 44 FLAME PHOTOMETER 45 SPRAY TOWER 46 ROTATING DISC TOWER 47 DEMINERALIZATION PLANT 48 BOMB CALORIMETER 49 MUFFLE FURNACE 50 SIGMA MIXER 51 COMPUTERIZED TEMPERATURE AND LEVEL CONTROL SET UP 52 OPEN PAN EVAPORATOR 53 AIR SAMPLER 54 PUMP SET UP 55 BOD INCUBATOR 56 OIL BATH 57 SINGLE PAN DIGITAL BALANCE 58 DHONA BALANCE 59 FROTH FLOTATION CELL 60 CENTRIFUGE 61 RUBBER BELT CONVEYOR 62 DIFFUSION EXPERIMENTAL SET UP 63 Friction Factor Apparatus to determine friction factor for a given pipe. 64 Venturimeter to find out the discharge through a tank. 65 Bernuli’s appartus to apply Bernuli’s theorem to get total energy line for a flow in a closed conduit of varying cross sections. 66 Prismatic compass with stand 67 Coefficient of permeability by constant head method as per IS 2720 (Part-XVII) 68 Digital analytical weighing Pan balance, capacity 200gm. 69 Digital top pan balance, capacity-5kg. 70 Transit Theodolite with stand 71 Rectangular Water Bath 6 holes. 72 Cube mould 150mm x150mm x 150mm 73 Electrically operated Mortar cube Vibrating machine. 74 Dumpy Level with stand. 75 Electrically operated Sieve Shaker Machine 76 Tape-30m. 77 Universal testing machine, Maximum load –10tonnes,Model UTN-10,Sl.No.2/91-1379,Company: Fuel Instruments and Engineers Pvt. Ltd. 78 Torsional testing machine,Torque-60Kg-m to 6000Kg-m,Type-7601CGC. Avery Birminghum Made 79 Izod impact testing machine, capacity: torque 30Kg-m to 5m/Sec.,Avery made, type-6705. 80 Rock Well hardness testing machine,type-6402, Pat No :512520.Avery Made 81 CNC Trainer Lathe [Make: Technofour Electronics Pvt.Ltd. Model no:T-100] 82 4 strokes, 4 cylinder water cooled type petrol engine test rig for Morse test with hydraulic dynamometer 83 4 strokes, single cylinder, diesel engine, Enkaymade test rig 84 4 strokes, single cylinder Diesel engine, Krimo made, Type/K, and BHP – 10 85 Alfa Therm oil fixed reversed flame steam generator, Model-RFSG-02, Steam output-200Kg/hour,Sl.No:1048, Maximum steam temperature –195 °c , Manufacturingyear-1999, Maximum steam pressure=15Kg/W,Com. Load-1.9KW.,Fuel-LDO, Alfa therm Limited –made 86 Vapour Compression Air Conditioning Test Rig 87 ExperimentalAir Conditioning unit Test Rig 88 Uni-InstasVapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig 89 Gas charging and other necessary connections and repair for Vapour Compression Cycle model. 90 Centre Lathe Machine (No. of the M/c 12D) 91 Centre LatheMachine(No. of theM/c13E) 92 Centre LatheMachine(No. of theM/c14F) 93 Horizontal Milling Machine (No. of theM/c16A) 94 Horizontal Milling Machine (No. of theM/c17B) 95 Centre Lathe Machine (No. of theM/c20B) 96 Planner Machine (No. of theM/c 29) 97 Centre Lathe Machine (No. of theM/c2A) 98 Turret Lathe Machine (No. of the Machine 3B) 99 Universal Milling Machine (No. of the M/c5) 100 Centre Lathe Machine(No. of theM/c8D) 101 Scatch Pattern ATCO Band Black Smith Hearth (3X3X6) 102 Leg Vice 103 Hand Shearing Machine 104 A.COil Cooled Transformer of the Welding Shop 105 Power Sawof the Welding Shop 106 D.C. Generator arc welding machine (Service Range 30-200amp.)of the Welding Shop 107 A.CTransformer (INDRAC Co.) of the Welding Shop 108 A.CAir Cooled Transformer (DAS Co.) of the Welding Shop 109 A.CAir Cooled Portable Transformer (220V) of the Welding Shop 110 Power Sawof the Fitting Shop 111 Wood Turning Lathe