Tenders are invited for Delivery of Medical Equipment Day Surgery, Tied Cash Donation. The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Erbil informs potential Czech suppliers about the project Supply of medical equipment - One-day surgery for Emergency Hospital in Zakho (city), Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Iraq, which is being implemented within the framework of the implementation of the tied cash donation instrument in the Reconstruction Program of the Czech Republic in the Middle East region for the period 20252027. The implementation of the project consists in the supply of specified medical equipment and facilities implemented as a Czech supply. The recipient of the donation is the High Directorate for Health of the Zakho Municipality, which is requesting: Mobile surgical light (1 pc) A mobile surgical light designed for small operations. Electrosurgical unit (1 pc) Electrosurgery unit is the application of a high-frequency (radio frequency) alternating polarity, electrical current to biological tissue as a means to cut, coagulate, desiccate, or fulgurate tissue. Suction pump (1 pc) Suction pump is the most used version with wide use in operating rooms, ICU, obstetrics, and endoscopy applications, etc. Set of surgical instruments (1 pc) Set of surgical instruments (scalpels, forceps, scissors, biopsy punch, dermal curette). Set of surgical sutures (1 set) Chirana T Injecta Surgical Suturing. Basic set of single use suturing for ambulatory surgery. Set of adhesive covers (1 set) Grade Medical STOPBAC Sterile Adhesive Dressing. The StopBac STERILE range is a modern, antibacterial dressing designed for wound care. Hot air sterilizer (1 pc) It is intended for use in the healthcare sector for the hot air / dry heat sterilization process of both unpackaged and packaged medical devices, including invasive devices intended by their manufacturers for hot air / dry heat sterilization. Examination and surgical chair (1 pc) Fully equipped examination chair for day surgery, recovery or diagnostic procedures. It allows easy transport and the possibility of folding into a horizontal plane. It ensures the necessary comfort and safety for the patients during the medical procedures. To maximally facilitate the work of nurses and staff, the Pura introduces an innovative infection control concept and a sophisticated set of practical details. Stretcher (1 pc) Durable, ultralight transport stretcher with exceptional ergonomics. Patient monitor (1 pc) Patient monitor for monitoring the patients basic vital functions. A complete and reliable solution for all areas of care. AED defibrillator (1 pc) An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a lightweight, portable device. It delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart when it detects an abnormal rhythm and changes the rhythm back to normal. Syringe pump (1 pc) A motor-driven precision pump that uses one or more syringes to deliver precise and accurate amounts of fluid in high-impact research environments. Infusion pump (1 pc) An external infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids into a patients body in a controlled manner. There are many different types of infusion pumps, which are used for a variety of purposes and in a variety of environments. Ozone therapy device (1 pc) Is an active therapeutic medical device intended for treatment using ozone in clinical and outpatient practice and represents the latest response to the needs of modern ozone therapy. Medical furniture (1 set) Basic furniture necessary for medical office (One-day surgery). Set of medical tools (1 set) Infusion stand, instrument cart and stainless-steel cart Everything in export packaging, including transportation, installation, warranty, applicable taxes, duties and other fees. The offer must be submitted in English as a complete offer. Separate offers for individual parts will not be considered. Further information on the delivery is provided in Annex 1. The project is financed from funds allocated from the Reconstruction Program of the Czech Republic in the Middle East region for the period 20252027, up to a maximum amount of CZK 2,516,000. The timeline for the project implementation is as follows: start June 2025, completion October 2025. Analysis of opportunities and risks in terms of the target territory: the implementation of a tied cash donation for the hospital in Zakho (city) is in line with the long-term goal of developing economic diplomacy in the KRI. The security situation in the place is relatively stable. Method of measuring the success of project implementation: timely and complete delivery of the required medical equipment and putting it into full operation. The deadline for submitting bids is 10 working days from the publication of the request on the BusinessInfo website. No later than March 21, 2025. The interested party shall send the offer, including a sworn declaration and a list of reference supplies (form in Appendix 2), to the MFA data box ((ID: e4xaaxh); in the Subject, indicate GK Erbil submission of the offer, in the designation procedure number and file number of the subject group, indicate the reference number of the request from the Businessinfo website). The interested party confirms in a sworn statement that a) it has been assigned a Czech ID, b) it is a business corporation, c) it has a real registered office, not just a virtual registered office, d) it is registered as an income tax payer in the Czech Republic, continuously for at least one tax period preceding the date of submission of the offer, e) it has no tax arrears or arrears with the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic, on public health insurance premiums and penalties, on social security premiums and contributions to the state employment policy and penalties, f) it is not bankrupt pursuant to Act No. 328/1991 Coll., on bankruptcy and settlement, as amended, or pursuant to Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on bankruptcy and methods of its resolution (Insolvency Act), as amended, and no insolvency petition has been filed, nor has this petition been filed itself and no bankruptcy decision has been issued, nor is it in liquidation and its bankruptcy or imminent bankruptcy is not being resolved in insolvency proceedings, g) it is not an entity that has been banned from operating by a court or administrative authority, nor has its authorization to operate been revoked, relating to the subject of business or related to the project for which financial support is to be provided, h) no proceedings for the enforcement of a court or administrative decision or execution are proposed or being carried out against it, or against the assets of the organization, i) it fulfills its obligations under Act No. 563/1991 Coll., the Accounting Act, as amended, in particular the obligation to publish financial statements in the relevant register within the meaning of Act No. 304/2013 Coll., on public registers of legal entities and natural persons, j) reports duly published sales for the last accounting period of at least CZK 5 million, k) has registered the beneficial owners of the legal entity in accordance with Act No. 37/2021 Coll., on the registration of beneficial owners. By sending an offer, the interested party consents to the transfer of their contact details to the foreign recipient, including the company name, ID number, contact details (telephone, e-mail) and the person authorized to act on behalf of the company. Please send any questions to the email address: erbil@mzv.gov.cz. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out that the recipient decides whether to use the offer, and that the implementation of the project may be subject to restrictive measures or international sanctions from the EU and the UN. Contact information Ing. Bulková Petra Head of Export Opportunities Department Mob +420 224 907 574 / Tel +420 224 907 574 / petra.bulkova@czechtrade.cz [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.businessinfo.cz/prilezitosti/