Tenders are invited for Supply of Spare Parts for Major Overhaul of Line 2 Trains Primary insurance 100,000 Egyptian pounds Price of the terms and conditions booklet for large companies 5150 Egyptian pounds Price of the terms and conditions booklet for small and micro companies 4635 Egyptian pounds Description Ministry of Transport Egyptian Company for Metro Management and Operation Announcement of an internal public tender File No.: 3/2025 The company announces its need to supply spare parts for major overhaul of the trains of the second line, and the price of the conditions booklet is (5000 pounds) or (4500 pounds for small companies), and it is purchased from the companys website (cairometro.gov.eg) or from the Purchasing and Warehouses Department in Hamamat El-Qobba, and the value of the initial insurance is (100,000 Egyptian pounds only for others) and the opening of the envelopes is set at twelve noon on 3/24/2025 on the first floor of the company building - Purchasing and Warehouses Department - Hamamat El-Qobba - Cairo. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://cairometro.gov.eg/ar/tenders
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