Tenders are invited for Transport of Quarry Materials. This call for pre-selection is aimed at economic operators (natural or legal persons) specializing in the transport of goods, justified by their corresponding trade registers. Candidates must have full ownership of at least ten (10) dump trucks and/or dump semi-trailer trucks consisting of road tractors and dump trailers, justified by copies of registration cards and not more than fifteen (15) years old. Interested candidates are requested to collect the specifications at the address below, against payment of ten thousand (10,000.00) DA to the Finance and Accounting Department, located at the Dar El Beida Activity Zone, Algiers Offers consisting of all the documents required in the specifications must be submitted in two (02) copies (original + copy) in two separate sealed envelopes bearing the wet stamp, as well as the corresponding mention Application file or Technical offer, as the case may be. These two envelopes must be inserted into a third envelope which must be closed, anonymous and only bear the following note: BID NOT TO BE OPENED COSIDER CARRIERES SECRETARIAT OF THE OPENING COMMITTEE APPEL A PRESELECTION NATIONAL N°014/DG/25K TRANSPORT OF QUARRY MATERIALS Offers should be submitted to the following address: COSIDER Careers Secretariat of the Tender Opening Commission Dar El Beida Algiers activity zone The deadline for submitting offers is set at Fifteen (15) days from the first publication of the call for pre-selection notice in the national press or in the BOMOP. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : http://www.cosider-groupe.dz/fr/appels-d-offres
Contact Information
Dar-El-Beida Activity Zone BP 65 F Dar-El-Beida. Algiers Tel: (023) 83 31 80 Fax: (023) 83 31 83
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