Tenders are invited for Civil Engineering Works and the Supply, Transport, Assembly and Testing of Electromechanical and Electrical Equipment Necessary for the Construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Reed-Planted Filter Basins (Macrophyte) and the Discharge Pipe for Purified Water from the City of Dhehiba in the Governorate of Tataouine. Deadline: 25/03/2025 The amount of the provisional guarantee or the bank guarantee which replaces it is One Hundred Thousand Tunisian Dinars (100,000DT) or Thirty Thousand Euros (30,000.00 Euros) or Thirty-one Thousand Dollars (31,000 $) The invitation to tender follows the general notice of acquisition for this project which was published on UNDB online on 21/06/2019 and on the website of the African Development Bank group http://www.afdb.org. 2. The National Sanitation Office "ONAS" has received financing from the African Development Bank "AfDB" and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development "EBRD" in various currencies for the Sanitation Program for Small Municipalities with Less than 10,000 Inhabitants - Phase I (PAPC I). It is expected that an amount of this loan will be applied to the eligible regulations forming part of the contract to finance the completion of civil engineering works and the supply, transport, assembly and testing of the electromechanical and electrical equipment necessary for the construction of the purification plant by reed-planted filter basins (macrophyte) and the discharge pipe for purified water from the city of Dhehiba in the governorate of Tataouine Tender Link : https://www.afdb.org/en/projects-and-operations/procurement
Contact Information
room in block B located at 32 rue Hédi Nouira 1001 Tunis République Tel: +216-71346100 Fax: +216-71350411
boc @ onas.nat.tn
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