Request for proposals for Implementation of Pre-service Teacher Education Activities Closing Date: 9 Feb 2025 Type: Consultancy Call for Proposal Organizations/legal entities/local partners Implementation of Pre-service Teacher Education Activities UNESCO Myanmar Education Sector Program Implementation Grant (ESPIG) Date Issued: 24 January 2024 Organization: UNESCO Antenna Office in Yangon Duty Station: Yangon, Myanmar Type of Contract: Contract for Service (2-3 Organizations/Local Partners or Legal entities) (Form AM7-6) Tentative Duration: February 2025 - December 2025 (11 months) Application Deadline: 9 February 2025 at 17:00 Hours (Yangon time) Terms of Reference I. Background: Under the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Education Sector Program Implementation Grant (ESPIG), UNESCO is implementing activities towards the attainment of the undermentioned three outcome areas. Outcome 1: Ensuring safe and equitable access to learning for children and youth in Myanmar; Outcome 2: Ensuring quality teaching and learning for children and youth in Myanmar by strengthening the capacities of education staff and fostering context-responsive, equity-focused learning resources and modalities adapted to the evolving situation; and Outcome 3: Ensuring systems strengthening, management, coordination, and monitoring. UNESCO, through the Education Sector Program Implementation Grant (ESPIG) project, continues this effort addressing the needs for both pre-and in-service teacher education under ESPIG Outcome Area 2: Ensuring quality teaching and learning for children and youths in Myanmar by strengthening the capacities of education staff and fostering context-responsive, equity-focused learning resources and modalities adapted to the evolving situation. As an effort to deliver quality teacher education, UNESCO brings Myanmar Teacher Platform (MTP; to offer continuous learning for educators, learners and other interested parties to access quality learning materials, videos and other resources in a safe and secure environment and provide online courses by themes. UNESCO continues to support educators and teacher trainers are equipped with relevant competencies to provide continued and quality learning and necessary support to deliver education to children. UNESCO is developing a Rapid Pre-service Development (RPD) Action Plan and curriculum with modules for mobile teacher trainers, teacher educators, and teachers, in collaboration with local partners. Through this call for partnership, UNESCO aims to identify local partners specialized in pre-service teacher education. UNESCO will provide technical support to conduct quick needs assessment and gap analysis if needed and the identification of pre-service teachers. UNESCO will build on its experience supporting development of the Teacher Competency Standards Framework (TCSF) for Myanmar as well as other existing, relevant frameworks to review and prioritize training content. The partners will work closely with UNESCO to contribute to the development of a Rapid Pre-service Development (RPD) Action Plan, contribute to the curriculum consultation meetings with key stakeholders and training modules development expert(s) as required, implement curriculum with modules and deliver capacity building trainings for mobile teacher trainers/teacher educators/teachers. Trainings will be delivered through a variety of modalities, including in-person, blended learning, webinars, and online courses. As such, UNESCO is inviting organizations, legal entities, or local partners including community-based, faith-based, and ethnic education providers to implement pre-service teacher education activities within Kachin, Kayah, Kayin and Shan States, but not limited to other States and Regions if needs are identified. II. Objectives: The objective of this Call for Proposal is the invitation to organizations, legal entities, or local partners including community-based, faith-based, ethnic education providers to implement pre-service teacher education activities: Conduct quick needs assessment and develop Rapid Pre-service development (RPD) action plan; Contribute to the curriculum modules development (upon the requirement); Deliver capacity building trainings for mobile trainers/teacher educators/teachers; and Conduct case studies highlighting the impacts of the training. III. Work Assignment: Under the overall authority of the Director of UNESCO Regional Office in Bangkok (hereinafter called UNESCO), the direct supervision of the Head of Office of UNESCO Antenna office in Yangon and in close collaboration with the ESPIG project team, the local partner/organization will i) conduct quick needs assessment and develop Rapid Pre-service Development (RPD) Action Plan, (ii) contribute to the curriculum modules development as required, (iii) deliver capacity building trainings for mobile trainers/teacher educators/teachers, (iv) conduct case studies on the impacts of the training. In particular, the selected partner/organization shall perform the following tasks: (i) Quick need assessment and RPD action plan Identify a cohort of 200-500 teachers/educators to participate in the training program. Review and adapt the survey questions provided by UNESCO to align with the specific needs of the implementing organization and target participants. Develop a comprehensive work plan for the needs assessment, detailing the objectives, data collection process, and analytical approaches to be utilized. Conduct a survey with the identified participants to determine priority thematic content needs and evaluate the ICT materials or equipment required for teachers to actively and effectively participate in the training. Prepare a first draft of the needs assessment report (maximum 20 pages, excluding annexes) that outlines the findings, data analysis, and initial recommendations. Revise and finalize the needs assessment report by incorporating feedback received from UNESCO, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and actionable insights. Develop a structured RPD action plan that outlines objectives, priority activities, timelines, and responsible stakeholders. The framework should align with the findings of the needs assessment and address identified gaps. (ii) Contribution to the curriculum modules developed by UNESCO (upon the requirement) Review key documents such as the draft curriculum framework developed by UNESCO and Teacher Competency Standards Framework (TCSF) for Myanmar as well as other existing, relevant frameworks to review and prioritize training content. Contribute to the development of curriculum with modules which will be developed by UNESCO; and participate in the consultation meetings with key stakeholders, if required. Review and provide constructive feedback on the training modules to ensure they meet the needs and context of community organizations in Myanmar. Ensure the modules are culturally and contextually relevant, aligning with the specific challenges and priorities of the target community. (iii) Implementation of capacity building trainings for mobile trainers/teacher educators/teachers Recruit qualified trainer(s) with the required qualifications and teacher training experience if the organization does not have the necessary expertise to deliver the training program. Prepare a detailed agenda and training plan to implement the curriculum with modules, ensuring alignment with the technical support provided by UNESCO. Develop and submit comprehensive final training materials, including all resources such as PowerPoint presentations, facilitator guides, handouts, and any supplementary materials used during the training, ensuring they are aligned with the training modules and objectives. Organize, deliver, and facilitate training sessions for 200-500 mobile trainers, teacher educators, and teachers. These sessions may be conducted virtually, in person (if safe to do so), or through a hybrid approach. For in-person training, travel and DSA costs should be clearly outlined in the proposal to ensure comprehensive planning and budgeting. Ensure all participants complete the online modules related to the training courses available on the Myanmar Teacher Platform. Maintain regular communication with UNESCO to provide timely updates on the progress of the training sessions and address any issues or challenges encountered during implementation. Monitor the progress of the training sessions and pre-service teacher activities, evaluating outcomes against the set objectives. Identify challenges, document lessons learned, and recommend actionable solutions for continuous improvement. Prepare a final report (maximum A4 15-20 pages) in standard formal English. The report shall follow the undermentioned format (subject to change in consultation with the Contractor/Partner): Executive summary Introduction Details of training and outcomes Progress on activities implemented by the partner Challenges, lessons learnt and solutions Recommendations Conclusion Annexes (if relevant) (iv) Case study to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program Identify and select participants from the training program who represent diverse backgrounds and experiences. Develop an outline for the case study, including objectives, methodology, key themes, and intended outcomes, for review and approval by UNESCO. Develop and provide data collection tools (e.g., interview guides, survey questionnaires) tailored to gather qualitative and quantitative information from training participants, stakeholders, and educators. Produce a draft version of the case study report that highlights the impacts of the training on teacher capacity, teaching practices, and student outcomes. Include relevant visuals (e.g., photos, graphs, infographics) and supporting documents (e.g., testimonials, survey data) as annexes to Tender Link :