Acquisition Of Electronic Devices And Furniture For Various Departments In The Municipality Of Dois Vizinhos Pr With Highly Competitive Items, Reserved Quota And Exclusive For Micro And Small Businesses.. Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Steel Cabinet,Duplex Refrigerator,Television,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Air Conditioner,Steel Cabinet,Duplex Refrigerator,Television,Coffee Table,Conventional Telephone Device,Air Device Conditioning, Sink, Counter, Counter, Bathroom Cabinet, Childrens Bathtub, Household Mixer, Water Drinking Fountain, Water Drinking Fountain, Crib, Fixed Chair, Office Chair, High Chair, Chair, Electric Coffee Maker, Bed, Washing Machine, Mattress, Foot Rest ,Metallic Shelf,Iron,Stove Gas, Electric Oven, Microwave Oven, Paper Shredder, Refrigerator, Domestic Refrigerator, Sandwich Maker, High Pressure Washer, Washing Machine, Blender, Trash Bin, Waste Bin, Waiting Chair Set, Waiting Chair Set, Washing Machine, Work Module, Office Table ,Rectangular Meeting Table,Multiprocessor Food,Tatami,Armchair,Water Purifier Device,Television,Blower,Stand,Tatami,Conventional Telephone Device,Fan,Fan,Fan