Quotation are invited for Social Media Campaign Production Closing Date: Monday, 20. Jan 2025 Intervention Sector(s): Advocacy & Awareness Remuneration range: 2000 to 3000 (USD) Duration of Contract: - Description RDFL is seeking to hire the services of a professional communications service provider for the delivery of high-quality social media campaign using the standup technique along with animation. Visual communications materials will be developed in accordance with RDFL communications guidelines and donor branding rules, geared towards increasing the visibility of RDFLs project and donors support. During the duration of 2 months, the service provider is expected to finalize the concept of the campaign set an implementation plan and produce a high-quality campaign, and be available when needed. Compensation will be based on the essential expenses provided by the service provider in the application. The service provider should expect inquiries of the following kinds: - Delivery of 2 main campaign videos with 6 social media posts, geared for social media circulation (horizontal and/or vertical orientation), with precise editing that includes voiceover & subtitles with a different approach and storyboard for each spot and still posts featuring key messages from the primary videos. - List of Deliverables -Create 2 video storyboards and scripts (optimized for social media) based on briefings provided by RDFL, in accordance with RDFLs brand guidelines and the visibility requirements of RDFLs donors; -Provide 6 still posts featuring key messages from the primary videos. -Edit and produce a strong, final campaign that includes subtitles, RDFL branded elements and donor logos (during the editing phase of the video, RDFL requires several feedback rounds before final delivery.) How to apply Required documents: - Technical proposal (including treatment of the animation campaign), written in English. - Financial Proposal in USD - Registration information Please Fill The RFQ Sheet and Send it by email : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cLWkTAxBmdT4rYSce_Td2gqYZLEp7SXp/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109916429559616409280&rtpof=true&sd=true Interested applicants should submit the following documents by 20/1/2024 to logistics@rdflwomen.org [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://daleel-madani.org/civil-society-directory/lebanese-women-democratic-gathering-rdfl/calls/rdflrfq-social-media-campaign-production
Contact Information
Shekralla Building, Ground Flood, Medawar Street Adlieh - Junction Furn Chebbak Street Medawar - Dahdah Bldg.(Named Romeo & Juliette) Behind the Ministry of Industry – 1st floor Same building Teacher’s syndicate P.O.Box: 116/5460- Muse/ Beirut – Lebanon Phone: +9611425504 Fax: +9611425503 Attn: Hayat Mirshad
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