Tenders are invited for Biosafety cabinet class AII & Culture media preparation and filling system. Price (D): 75 Start date: 2024-09-23 Closing date: 2024-10-23 1 The latest highest end model of the required range. 2 Fully automated laboratory system contain sterilization, preparation, and filling for microbiology media. 3 Suitable for preparing all kinds of aseptic media in the laboratory. 4 Stainless steel 304 or better chamber with a capacity not less than 20 liters. 5 Filling (additive) port for blood/fluied with a control bleeding. 6 Stainless steel 304 stacking Caroucel with a capacity not less than 500 petri-dishes. 7 Two movable preparation baskets for media sterilization. 8 System accept petri-dishes size 90mm* 15mm. 9 Automated dispenser to auto fill tubes with tubes rake not less than 200 tube, (optinal, price separately). 10 Thermal bult-in printer. 11 Programmable system; able to accept more than 20 programs. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://jrms.jaf.mil.jo/Tendersar.aspx#.X0ybEnkzaMo
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