Tenders are invited for Capture Fisheries/Oceanography/ Biodiversity Fibreglass Boat with Outboard Engine Fish Gears for Experimental Field Survey Grab Samplers Water Samplers Turbidimeter Tagging Guns Collector Bag Filter Juvenile Fish Measuring Board Egg Counter Bidding is open to all suppliers who can demonstrate capacity and experience of supplying, delivering, installing, testing and commissioning similar Items. Bidders should ensure that they submit bids for all items in a lot. Bidders may submit bids/quotations for 1 or more lots. Bids will be opened on 10th September 2024 at 1400 hours Nairobi local time in the presence of bidders or bidders representatives who choose to attend. The opening will be held virtually and bidders are required to submit the details of representatives attending the opening (name, email address) by 10th September 2024 at 1000 hours (Nairobi local time). All bids must be accompanied by the following documents: Tender Link : https://www.au-ibar.org/tenders
Contact Information
Kenindia Business Park, Westlands Road, Nairobi, Tel: +254 (20) 3674 000 Fax: +254 (20) 3674 341 / 2
procurement@au-ibar.org / floraolaifa@yahoo.com
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