Tenders For The Supply Of “Equipment” For De And Microprocessor Lab And Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab For Electrical Engineering Department Of This Institute In Two Bid System -Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab -1 Understanding Characteristics of MOSFET, FET and UJT Lab Trainer Kit Spec.- Having Inbuilt dual DC power supply (0-30 V; -15-0-+15V variable), breadboard, combination of resistors and capacitors etc. to perform characteristic experiments of MOSFET, JFET and UJT. 2 Transistor Characteristics Lab Trainer Kit Spec.- Having Inbuilt dual DC power supply (0-30 V; -15 – 0 - +15V variable), breadboard, combination of resistors and capacitors etc. to perform CE, CB, CC characteristic experiments of BJT. 3 Operational Amplifier Lab Trainer Kit Spec.- With No. of Op-amp IC 741, DC supply (-15 -0- +15 V variable), Different ratings of Resistors and Capacitors etc. 4 BJT Amplifiers and Emitter Follower Lab Trainer Kit Spec.- With Inbuilt dual DC power supply (0-30 V; -15-0-+15V variable), breadboard, combination of resistors and capacitors etc. to perform different transistor amplifier experiments especially RC coupled amplifier. 5 Astable and Monostable Multivibrator lab Trainer kit Spec.- With DC power supply (0-30 Vdc), IC 555 and other essential R & C networks. 6 Zener Diode Voltage Regulator Lab Trainer kit Spec.- With all the essential elements to perform Zener diode characteristics and voltage regulator experiments as DC supply- (0- 30V), breadboard, resistors etc. 7 Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) 2 Channel, 50MHz 8 Function Generator Frequency- 0.1 to 3 MHz Sine, Square, Pulse, Ramp etc. with LCD display of amplitude, frequency etc. 9 Multiple DC Power Supply (3 outputs) 0-30 Vdc, -15-0-(+15) Vdc and 0-5 volts with current rating of 1A/2A. 10 Digital Multi meter – 3 digit AC/DC- 1000V +/- 0.5% accuracy 11 Digital clamp meter DC current accuracy- 0.5% or 1% 12 Digital/ Analog Voltmeter (DC) 0-30 volts 13 Digital/Analog Voltmeter (DC) 0-1 Volt 14 Digital/Analog Voltmeter (DC) 0-10 Volt 15 Analog Milli Ammeter (DC) 0-30 mA 16 Analog Micro Ammeter (DC) 0-500 microA 17 Consumable Items like Breadboard, CFR, Capacitor, IC, Transistors, probes etc. -DE and Microprocessor lab -1 8085 Microprocessor Trainer Kit 3 MHz, 16 K Monitor FIRMWARE, 64 K User RAM, Keyboard/display controller 8279, two 8255, 16-bit timer/counter 8253/54, 8259 interrupt controller, On-board EPROM programmer with ZIP socket for programming 2716 to 27512 EPROM’s and various EPROM’s. programming modes-Hex Code, Assembly Language, On board ADC, DAC. Single stepping, break pointing and machine cycle single stepping facility. Monitor functions can be called through software interrupts. External Power Supply +5v 3Amp, +12v 1Amp, -12v 0.5Amp. Measure the data & log the data from instrument to computer. Lab Manual. Compatible with following study cards. 2 8255 study card Compatible with item no. 1 3 8253/54 study card Compatible with item no. 1 4 8259 study card Compatible with item no. 1 5 8257 study card Compatible with item no. 1 6 ADC study card Compatible with item no. 1 7 DAC study card Compatible with item no. 1 8 Digital IC Trainer With basic logic gates, universal gates, flip flops, counters, registers, multiplexure, de-multiplexure, seven segment LED display.