View latest Zinc Chloride Tender Results, Bids awarded, Contract awarded across the world. Download Tender Result published by Government Department. Search Contract awarded by various government department, Funding agencies, world bank etc. Find Tender Award news & Bid Results from various Government Departments, World Bank, United Nations, Multilateral Funding Agencies, Military, Defence, Army and Private Companies across the World.
Contract Award For 80520000-5 - Teaching Aids (Teaching Aids For Science Classrooms)1. Aluminum Chloride, Second-Hand 50G, 2. Ammonium Dichromate 200G, 3. Ammonium Nitrate (Nitrate), 100G, 4. Ammonium Chloride, 200G, 5. Barium Nitrate, 100G, 6. Activated Carbon 100G (Grain ), ......
Contract Award For Special Nutritional Products – Procedura Aperta Telematica La Fornitura Triennale, In Somministrazione, Di Integratori E Dispositivi Medici Per Malattie Rare E Fibrosi Cistica Per Gli Utenti Aventi Diritto Glucose, Sodium Citrate, Flavour, Potassium Chloride, S ......
Contract Award For Nitric Acid, Packaging 0.6 Kg. (Formation), Phosphoric Acid, Packaging 0.1 Kg (Formation), Barium Hydroxide, Packaging 0.05 Kg (Formation), Potassium Hydroxide, Packaging 0.1 Kg (Formation), Sodium Hydroxide, Packaging 0.5 Kg (Formation), Aluminum (Granules), P ......
Contract Award For Basic Inorganic And Organic Chemicals – Dostawy Do Kopalń Jsw S.A. Chlorku Cynku Krystalicznego I Siarczanu Sodu Bezwodnego Gat. I Z Terminem Realizacji 12 Miesięcy Od Daty Zawarcia Umowy. Task 1 - Delivery Of Crystalline Zinc Chloride In The Amount Of 10,029 K ......
Contract Award For Standard Titer Zinc Chloride 0.1N, Standard Titer Potassium Iodate (Iodate) 0.1N, Standard Titer Sodium Sulphate (Thiosulfate) 0.1N, Standard Titer Potassium Dichromate 0.1N, Standard Titer Silver Nitrate 0.1N ,Standard Titer Acetic Acid 0.1N,Standard Titer Tri ......