View latest Plasticizers Tender Results, Bids awarded, Contract awarded across the world. Download Tender Result published by Government Department. Search Contract awarded by various government department, Funding agencies, world bank etc. Find Tender Award news & Bid Results from various Government Departments, World Bank, United Nations, Multilateral Funding Agencies, Military, Defence, Army and Private Companies across the World.
Contract Award For Waterproofing Additive Beris 5L, Plasticizer Anti-Frozen Bayris 1L, Primer G-7 10L. Malvarhydro Isolation Of Bairis 5L. Plasticizer Anti -Frozen 1L. Bairis, G-7 10L Primer. Malvarclassification By Dk 021: 2015: 44830000-7 - Mastics, Putty, Putty And Solvent ......
Contract Award For Plasticizer Anti -Tserosis Vitaly 10 L., Cement Podilsky 500 25 Kg 2 Variety, Aerated Concrete Block (60*20*30) Stnun Lightplasty Anti -Tserosis Vitalaly 10 L. Classification For Dk 021: 2015: 44111000-1 - Building Materials
Contract Award For 44110000-4 Structural Materials (Alumincine Beacon, Plasticizer, Microfiber, Zinc Mesh, Stripe) Lighthouse Alimincinomin Rubin 3M 10 Mmclassification By Dk 021: 2015: 44110000-4-Structural Materials
Contract Award For Concrete Plasticizer For Concrete 5 Lclassification By Dk 021: 2015: 24950000-8 - Specialized Chemical Products
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015 24960000-1 Chemical Products Are Different (Plasticizer For Concrete) Dk 021: 2015 24960000-1 Chemical Products Are Different (Plasticizer For Concrete) Classification By Dk 021: 2015: 24960000-1-Chemical Products Are Different
Contract Award For Paste Packaging, Plasticizer Anti -Frost, 24950000-8 -Specialized Chemical Products For Dk 021: 2015 Single Purchase Past Pasting, Plasticizer Anti -Free, 24950000-8 -Specialized Chemical Products For Dk 021: 2015 Specialized Chemical Products
Contract Award For Wood Petty, Plasticizer (Dk 021: 2015 24950000-8 Specialized Chemical Products) Parcel For Wood, Plasticizer (Dk 021: 2015 24950000-8 Specialized Chemical Products) Classification By Dk 021: 2015: 24950000-8-Specialized Chemical Products.