View latest Pigments Tender Results, Bids awarded, Contract awarded across the world. Download Tender Result published by Government Department. Search Contract awarded by various government department, Funding agencies, world bank etc. Find Tender Award news & Bid Results from various Government Departments, World Bank, United Nations, Multilateral Funding Agencies, Military, Defence, Army and Private Companies across the World.
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015 44810000-1 Paints (Innalenlatexseidenmatt 5 L Paint, Pigment (Colorant) In The Form Of Liquid, Colorant Ecotint, Bx Saturated Black, Colorant Tc 7214 E Ftaals Blue (1 Ml) Innenlatexseidenmatt 5 Lclasification By Dk 021: 2015: 44810000-1 - Paints
Contract Award For Soil - 5L Faiger, Dekart Paper In The World 6,3Kg, Kolorex Pigment (Dk 021: 2015 - 44810000-1 - Paints) Soil - 5L Faigerclassification For Dk 021: 2015: 44810000-1 - Paints
Contract Award For Colorex 72 Olive 100 Ml. Classification By Dk 021: 2015: 24200000-6 - Dyes And Pigments
Contract Award For Purchase Of Building Materials For Repair Work In An Economic Way: Rubber Paint Elastic Matt, Colorless 6Kg; Elastic Matt Rubber Paint, 1,2 Kg Colorless; Rubber Paint Elastic Matt, Ral 9005 6Kg; Latex Acrylic Paint For Interior Work Profi Latex Tmdelfi -7 Kg ......
Contract Award For Purchase Of Building Materials, For Carrying Out Repair Work In The Economic Way Dk 021-2015 (Cpv) 24200000-6-Dyes And Pigmented Sniezkaccaccasification For Dk 021: 2015: 24200000-6-Dyes And Pigments
Contract Award For Barmers Classification By Dk 021: 2015: 24200000-6 - Dyes And Pigments
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015-24950000-8-Specialized Chemical Products (Pigment Paste 03 (C1) Yellow, Pigment Paste01 (H1) Red, Pigeon Paste 02 (F1) Black, Pigmented Paste 01 (K1) Pink, Pasta (M1) (M1) (M1) (M1) (M1) (M1). 24950000-8) Pigmented Paste 02 (F1) Black-24950000-8 C ......
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015 (Cpv): 24220000-2 Of Tannins, Dye Extracts, Tannins And Coloring Agents (Pigment) Dk 021: 2015 (Cpv): 24220000 - Tannil Extracts, Dye Extracts, Tannins And Paints
Contract Award For Pigment Of The Piston 100 Mlpgment Pissock 100Mlclassification According To Dk 021: 2015: 24200000-6 - Dyes And Pigments