View latest Ginger Tender Results, Bids awarded, Contract awarded across the world. Download Tender Result published by Government Department. Search Contract awarded by various government department, Funding agencies, world bank etc. Find Tender Award news & Bid Results from various Government Departments, World Bank, United Nations, Multilateral Funding Agencies, Military, Defence, Army and Private Companies across the World.
Contract Award For Mustard Dry, Dried Garlic, Ground Cinnamon, Cloves, Ground Ginger, Bay Leafy Dry, Garlic Dried, Ground Cinnamon, Carn
Contract Award For Guards And Seasonings (Mustard Dry, Ground Cinnamon, Ground Ginger) Mustard Sukhaclassification By Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 - Dressings And Seasonings
Contract Award For Clamp Metal Sleeve 66.5, Bolt 12X180x1,25, Washer F12, Nut F12x1.75, Bolt 10X50x1.25, Grover F10 Black, Nut F10x1,25, Bolt 8X40x1,25, Ginger F8, Gap F8. Stainless Steel/Galvanizing 40-60 Mmhomut Metal Sleeve 66.5 Classification According To Dk 021: 2015: 44530 ......
Contract Award For Dressings And Seasonings (Pepper Black Ground, Bay Leaf, Iodized Salt, Oregano, Turmeric, Cumin Dried, Ginger, Dried Garlic, Dill, Parsley Greens) For Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 Guards And Seasoning Black.
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015 Code 15870000-7-Dressings And Seasonings (Vanilla Sugar, Bay Leaf, Citric Acid, Dill Dried Greens, Parsley Dry, Garlic Dried, Ground Cinnamon, Paprika Sweet Grind Khmeli-Suneli, Sesame, Carnation Whole, Dry Mustard-Dk 021: 2015 Code 15872000-1 Her ......
Contract Award For Ginger Lanole Imiging Melnanclassification By Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 - Seasions And Seasons
Contract Award For Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 Seasions And Seasonings (Ginger, Gorchytsya, Carnation, Turmeric, Ground Paprika, Pepper Ground, Salt, Garlic Dried, Vanilla Sugar) Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 Guard, Guard, Ginger, Ground, Salt, Garlic Dried, Vanilla Sugar) Classificatio ......
Contract Award For Seasis Kari 25Gr, Mustard Powder 100G, Ginger Ground 10G, Oregano 10Gr, Vanilla Sugar 10Gr, Paprika 20 Gr, Paprika 15Gr, Cumin Whole 15Gr, Dill Dried 6Gr, Turmeric 15Gr, Cinnamon 15Gr, Hops 10Gr. 25Rcclackification By Dk 021: 2015: 15870000-7 - Seasions And Se ......