Project Detail |
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: To improve the delivery of core infrastructure and social services to participating communities through strengthened community development councils (CDSs). these services are part of a minimum service standards package that the government is committed to delivering to the citizens of Afghanistan. PROGRAM SUMMARY The Citizens charter is a National Priority Program (NPP) of the National Unity Government (NGU) that is currently in its design phase and is expected to lunch on October 1, 2016. The Citizens Charter is the first ever inter-ministerial, multi-sectorial NPP, where Ministries will collaborate on a single program using a programmatic approach. The key services delivery ministries involved are: MRRD, MoE, MoPH and MAIL. The Citizen’ Charter will go one step further than NSP and bring the CDSc to the forefront of program delivery and all development activities thereafter. The Community Development Councils (CDCs) will be linked to sub-national government to improve communications and coordination from the community to the district, provincial and national levels, which will increase Government visibility and accountability. The Citizens’ Charter is an important foundation for the Government’s reform agenda, contributing to a number of priority areas including; Ensuring Citizens’ Development Rights; Building Better Governance; Reforming Development Planning & Management and Developing partnership. Expected Result: Minimum of 8.5 million direct and indirect beneficiaries reached by CCAP; Minimum of 50 percent of direct and indirect beneficiaries will be women; Minimum of 9,000 communities in rural and urban areas receiving the stated minimum services standards. The minimum target is estimated at 9,000 communities (8,600 rural and 400 urban) due to high risks of insecurity and fluctuating conditions. However, the overall coverage target is planned for 12,600 total communities (12,000 rural and 600 urban communities); and Minimum of 10,500 CDSs/clusters/Gozars able to plan, implement, monitor and coordinate development activities as measured by an institutional maturity index. |