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Kenya Project Notice - Improve Access To Clean Water, Sanitation And Primary Health Services Quality In Isiolo County, Merti, Isiolo.

Project Notice

PNR 9787
Project Name Improve access to clean water, sanitation and primary health services quality in Isiolo County, Merti, Isiolo.
Project Detail The initiative from the Italian NGOs LVIA and CCM aims at supporting the local authorities in increasing the access to safe water and sanitation services and promoting health-seeking behaviors among the communities of the three sub-counties of Isiolo County (Isiolo, Merti and Garbatulla). The WASH related activities include mainly water sources rehabilitation, including the strengthening and creation of existing/new Wruas (Water Resources Users Associations), rain water harvesting systems and latrines construction in selected schools and health facilities. Health services are strengthened through the provision of drugs, equipment, trainings and continuous technical assistance to the staff of 15 primary health care facilities. Sensitization activities address both specific targets (i.e. students, mothers, community leaders, etc.) and the community at large, through the organization of campaigns and dedicated events. The proposal draws inspiration from pivotal policy and strategy documents elaborated by the GoK, such as the Kenya Water Act (2002), the Vision 2030, the NWSS (2012-15), the CIDP (2013-17), the WRMA SP (2012-17), Kenya Health Policies (2012-2030) and KEP (Kenya Essential Package for Health). The project is in line with the Guidelines for Italian Cooperation (2013-2015), focusing on some cross cutting issues: environment protection, MCH promotion, women empowerment, vulnerable group protection (under 5, pregnant and lactating women). close Main outcome To improve the life conditions of the pastoral communities living in Isiolo County, improving the continuous and sustainable access to clean water and existing hygiene facilities in the three Sub-Counties of Garbatulla, Merti and Isiolo Initiative data Initiative number 010191 Purpose Basic health infrastructure Sector I.2.b. Basic Health, Total
Funded By Improve access to clean water, sanitation and primary health services quality in Isiolo County, Merti, Isiolo.
Sector Basic health infrastructure
Country Kenya , Eastern Africa
Project Value KES 1,291,219

Contact Information

Company Name WRMA (Water Resources Management Authority) and ICHD (Isiolo County Health Department)
Address Kenya
Web Site

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