Project Detail |
The objectives of the Support to the Subnational Transport Program Project for Peru are to: (a) facilitate sustainable road access of Peru’s rural populations to services, (b) reduce transport costs on rural roads linked to priority logistics corridors, and (c) strengthen decentralized road management. There are four components to the project, the first component being infrastructure for integration and social inclusion. Component one comprises the following two subcomponents: infrastructure for social inclusion; and integration of the feeder network into selected logistic corridors. The second component is the rural road infrastructure maintenance. This component will finance activities to support an efficient and sustainable decentralized maintenance of the rural road network. activities will include: (a) technical design for periodic and routine maintenance contracts; (b) centralized and decentralized execution of civil works for periodic and routine maintenance of about 5,000 km of rural roads. The routine maintenance will be executed by microenterprises; and (c) supervision of related civil works. The third component is the decentralized road management. This component will finance technical assistance, training, and equipment at both the subnational (regional or provincial government (RG)/PG) and central (PVD) levels to support the consolidation of the decentralized transport management agenda. Finally, the fourth component is the project management. This component will cover PATS’ incremental administrative costs, including staff, audits, information dissemination, program activities related to training, and operational support through consulting services. The only activity to be financed by the Bank under this component will be the external audit; the cost will be shared with the IADB. |