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Haiti Project Notice - Statistical Capacity Building Project

Project Notice

PNR 9355
Project Name Statistical Capacity Building Project
Project Detail The objective of the Statistical Capacity Building Project for Haiti is to (i) assist in the production, analyses and dissemination of the findings of the fifth population and housing census and (ii) strengthen the human and technological capacities of the IHSI. There are three components to the project, the first component being human resources and technology. This component will support implementation of activities linked to the census to strengthen the technical and managerial capacity of the IHSI through (a) the appointment of long-term and punctual expertise to support the IHSI in managing the census operation; (b) the recruitment of technical staff (statisticians and ICT specialists) who will work on census-related activities; (c) on-the-job training for existing and new IHSI technical staff with a focus on learning-by-doing; and (d) upgrading of information and communication technology systems, data management and archiving systems, and other equipment to meet the immediate needs of the census and for future surveys. The second component is the data production, dissemination, and use of statistics. This component will implement activities designed to improve the quality, timeliness, and usefulness of census data. While the data collection phase requires a lot of temporary staff, the project will focus on engaging citizens, training permanent IHSI staff, purchasing equipment that will remain at the IHSI, and disseminating and using census data. This component includes three sub-components: preparation of census; execution of the census and data collection; and analysis, dissemination, and use of census data. Finally, the third component is the project management. This component will support the IHSI in its day-to-day project management functions: coordination; implementation; and management (including fiduciary aspects, monitoring and evaluation, carrying out of
Funded By worldbank
Sector Central government administration
Country Haiti , Caribbean
Project Value USD 26

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