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Nicaragua Project Notice - Second Land Administration Project (PRODEP II)

Project Notice

PNR 9219
Project Name Second Land Administration Project (PRODEP II)
Project Detail The objectives of the Second Land Administration Project for Nicaragua are: (a) to strengthen the property rights of the population in the project area through improved regularization, titling, and registry services; and (b) to improve Nicaragua s capacity to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible emergency. There are five components to the project, the first component being consolidation of the institutional and policy framework. The second component is the strengthening of property registration and alternative conflict resolution capacity. The third component is the titling and regularization services. The fourth component is the project management, monitoring and evaluation. Finally, the fifth component is the contingency emergency response component. This component will finance public and private sector expenditures on a positive list of goods, both domestic and imported, and/or specific works, goods, services (including audit costs) and emergency operation costs required for Nicaragua s emergency recovery. A Contingency Emergency Response Component (CERC) operational manual will apply to this component, detailing financial management, procurement, safeguard and any other necessary implementation arrangements.
Funded By worldbank
Sector Central government administration
Country Nicaragua , Central America
Project Value NIO 40

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