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Afghanistan Project Notice - Second Customs Reform And Trade Facilitation Project

Project Notice

PNR 9208
Project Name Second Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation Project
Project Detail The objective of the Second Customs Reform and Trade Facilitation Project (SCRTFP) for Afghanistan is to improve the release of legitimate goods in a fair and efficient manner. The grant for the SCRTFP will help finance costs associated with: (i) countrywide computerization of customs clearance operations; (ii) installation of executive information systems for customs allowing real time monitoring of operations; (iii) development of possible options for cross border Customs-to-Customs (C2C) cooperation; (iv) provision of selected customs infrastructure to enable modernized operations; and (v) technical assistance to support the development of an adequate regulatory, administrative, and institutional framework for customs. Through these initiatives the project will continue the World Bank s support as part of the overall donor effort to reform and modernize Afghan customs and thus also facilitate improvements in customs governance environment in line with the Governance Accountability Action Plan (GAAP) for the Afghan customs. This project builds on the World Bank s existing Emergency Customs Modernization and Trade Facilitation Project (ECMTFP). The funds from ECMTFP are already fully committed and the actual project closing date is December 31, 2010. The outcomes of ECMTFP to-date have successfully contributed to its project development objectives (PDO).
Funded By worldbank
Sector General transportation sector
Country Afghanistan , Southern Asia
Project Value AFN 50

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