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Ghana Project Notice - Reproductive Health Programme

Project Notice

PNR 906
Project Name Reproductive Health Programme
Project Detail The high rate of population growth in Yemen of around three per cent per year, with more than five children being born to each woman, is not only damaging to the health of women and children; it is also one of the biggest barriers to development in this, the poorest country of the Arab world. Yemenis people are poorly informed about modern methods of family planning, and they do not have adequate access to reproductive health services of reasonable quality. As a result, they are insufficiently protected against the risks of pregnancy, childbirth and HIV/AIDS. This is especially true of the poorer rural population and of the nation''s youth across the country, who make up about one quarter of the total population. For the most part, girls are married at a very young age, before they are physically and psychologically mature enough, and when neither they nor their partners are adequately prepared for their roles as spouses and parents. Objective The people enjoy better protection from the risks of pregnancy, childbirth and HIV/AIDS. Approach GIZ is supporting the Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and Population in its efforts to utilize advisory services from long and short-term experts, training and continuing education measures, material inputs and financial support to improve its capacities for modernising the health sector. The programme advises the nation’s central ministerial health care authorities on the health sector reform process and acts in a number of provinces to strengthen intermediate level management and planning capacities. At the same time, it works with selected partners to pilot innovative approaches to providing services at the community level. Building on improvements already achieved in basic health care services, and with a focus on reproductive health provisions, quality improvement has become the principle guiding Germany''s contribution at all levels. At the same time, the partners are encouraged to apply methods that are more participatory and involve more dialogue, as this will promote more health-conscious behaviour among the population and increase demand for health services, especially for preventive care. In addition, KfW Entwicklungsbank is fostering a programme of social marketing and a voucher system for reproductive health care services, while also supporting the health ministry''s behavioural change campaign aimed at raising awareness among the population. Results achieved so far By the end of 2011, 107 health care facilities had been assessed and certified for quality, and 62 more were nearing certification. Seventy-two basic health care facilities had been added to the programme and launched quality improvement efforts. Moreover, 40 private facilities offering midwives’ services also came aboard. This amounts to over 50 per cent of the basic reproductive health services offered in the provinces covered by the programme — and represents 25 per cent of all such services nationwide. Other donors, such as the European Union and various international non-governmental organisations, have adopted this concept and introduced it in another four provinces. A comparative study has shown that the number of patients and the level of patient satisfaction are both significantly higher at the participating facilities than in other centres. Activities aimed at educating Yemenis in reproductive health and raising their awareness of these issues have likewise proven successful. Working closely with religious leaders and village elders, volunteers explain methods of family planning, prenatal care and professional childbirth assistance to the people in their villages. In the approx.162 participating villages, demand for contraceptives has risen significantly. The programme fosters a related peer education programme that uses specially developed information booklets to reach out to young people in 145 schools, youth centres and universities. As demonstrated in a recent survey, these efforts have broadened their knowledge in many areas and helped dispel prejudices.
Funded By Other Funding Agencies
Sector Health & Medical
Country Ghana , Western Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Address Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche, Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, Postfach 12 03 22, 53045 Bonn, Germany, Tel: +49/228/99535-0.
Web Site

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