Project Detail |
The objective of the Poverty Alleviation and Agriculture-based Industry Pilot and Demonstration in Poor Areas Project for China is to develop and demonstrate rural value chains that promote equitable organizational arrangements, participation, and the sustainable increase of income of target households in the project provinces. There are four components to the project, the first component being Integrated Value Chain Development. This component includes: supporting Project Farmer Cooperatives establishment and development, through, interalia: (i) construction of offices and acquisition of basic office furniture and office equipment; (ii) provision of training and technical assistance in cooperative management and business operations, the establishment of new and/ or improvement of existing farmer’s cooperatives and other cooperative or community-based production arrangements (iii) provision of training and capacity building for community economic groups in ethnic minority areas; and (iv) provision of technical advisory services and agricultural crop insurance for selected crops in order to pilot crop- and livestock insurance schemes for the benefit of qualifying members of Project Farmer Cooperatives. The second component is the public infrastructure and services. This component includes: supporting public infrastructure for farmer cooperatives and agricultural key commodity development, through, inter alia: construction of production road infrastructure; and establishment of communications and information infrastructure and equipment. The third component is the research, training and extension. Supporting the learning and dissemination of project implementation lessons in support of implementing the Borrower’s national poverty reduction strategy, through, inter alia: (a) analytical studies, including studies on poverty reduction and key commodity value chain developm |