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Peru Project Notice - Peru Strengthening Sustainable Management Of The Guano Islands, Isles And Capes National Reserve System Project

Project Notice

PNR 8995
Project Name Peru Strengthening Sustainable Management of the Guano Islands, Isles and Capes National Reserve System Project
Project Detail The development objective of the Strengthening Sustainable Management of the Guano Islands, Isles, and Capes National Reserve System Project for Peru is to improve the overall management of marine and coastal ecosystems of the Guano Islands, Islets, and Capes national reserve system (RNSIIPG) of Peru, and protect its biological diversity in pilot sites. The project has four components. The first component is institutional strengthening. This component will build capacity at national service of natural protected areas (servicio nacional de areas naturales protegidas) (SERNANP) and other institutions involved in the management of marine and coastal resources. The second component is collaborative regional management. The project will develop socially viable marine management models through carrying out of locally implemented collaborative subprojects in pilot sites selected by SERNANP and local stakeholders during project design. The third component is monitoring and evaluation. This will be carried out through: (1) the provision of support for: (i) the development of ecological baseline approaches to monitor marine biodiversity; and (ii) the implementation of regular ecological monitoring systems in pilot sites once the activity under: (i) above has been completed; and (iii) the carrying out of a research initiative in Lobos de Afuera islands to study the area s biodiversity; (2) supporting the development and implementation of a management effectiveness monitoring and evaluation system within SERNANP; and (3) the provision of support for the monitoring and evaluation of project performance. The fourth component is project management. The project will strengthen the Peruvian trust fund for national parks and protected areas (fondo de promocion para las areas naturales protegidas del Peru (PROFONANPE) capacity to carry out the administrative and financial management of
Funded By worldbank
Sector Public Administration - Agriculture, Fishing & Forestry
Country Peru , South America
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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