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Kenya Project Notice - National Agricultural And Rural Inclusive Growth Project

Project Notice

PNR 8837
Project Name National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project
Project Detail The development objectives of National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project for Kenya are to increase agricultural productivity and profitability of targeted rural communities in selected Counties, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide immediate and effective response. There are four components in this project. 1) The first component, Supporting Community-Driven development, aims to strengthen: (a) community-level institutions’ ability to identify and implement investments that improve their agricultural productivity, food security, and nutritional status and (b) linkages to selected Value chains (VCs) and Producer Organizations (POs). It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Strengthening Community-Level Institutions; and (b) Supporting Community Investments. 2) The second component, Strengthening Producer Organizations and Value Chain Development, aims to build POs’ capacity to support member Common Interest Groups (CIGs) and Vulnerable and marginalized groups (VMGs) to develop selected priority VCs in targeted rural communities. It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Capacity Building of Producer Organizations; and (b) Value Chain Development. The third component, Supporting County Community-Led Development, aims to strengthen the capacity of county governments to support community-led development initiatives identified under Components 1 and 2. It has two subcomponents as follows: (a) Capacity Building of Counties; and (b) County Investment and Employment Programs. 4) The fourth component, Project Coordination and Management, will finance activities related to national and county-level project coordination, including planning, fiduciary (financial management and procurement) and human resource (HR) management, safeguards compliance and monitoring, development of the Management Information System (MIS) and Information and comm
Funded By worldbank
Sector General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector
Country Kenya , Eastern Africa
Project Value KES 219

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