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Moldova Project Notice - Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness Project 2Nd Additional Financing

Project Notice

PNR 8779
Project Name Moldova Agriculture Competitiveness Project 2nd Additional Financing
Project Detail The development objective of the Agriculture Competitiveness Project for Moldova is to enhance the competitiveness of the country’s agro-food sector by supporting the modernization of the food safety management system, facilitating market access for farmers, and mainstreaming agro-environmental and sustainable land management practices. The project has five components. The first component, enhancing food safety management is supporting activities aimed at improvinghuman, institutional and technical capacity of the country’s food safety management system, as well as ensuring regulatory harmonization with European Union (EU) requirements on foodsafety.The second component, enhancing market access potential is supporting activities aimed at improving marketability and market integration of Moldova’s high value, horticultural products, where the country has proven comparative advantages in the production of fresh fruits and vegetables. The third component, enhancing land productivity through sustainable land management is supporting activities aimed at mainstreaming sustainable land management practices and technologies, and rehabilitation of anti-erosion shelterbelts. The fourth component, project management is supporting costs associated with project implementation and coordination across various government agencies. The fifth component, compensatory sales support grants (supported by the 1st AF) is supporting farmers who sold apple, plums and grapes for domestic processing in the fall of 2014, in response to the trade restrictions on Moldovan agro-food exports imposed by the Russian Federation.
Funded By worldbank
Sector Agro-industry, marketing, and trade
Country Moldova , Eastern Europe
Project Value MDL 10

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