Project Detail |
The development objectives of the Kabul Municipal Development Program (KMDP) Project for Afghanistan are to: (i) increase access to basic municipal services in selected residential areas of Kabul city; (ii) redesign Kabul municipality (KM s) financial management systems to support better service delivery; and (iii) enable early emergency response in the event of an eligible emergency. The project comprises of four components. The first component, infrastructure upgrading program will support the following two sub-components: (i) upgrading of basic municipal infrastructure; and (ii) service delivery support for sanitation and roads departments. The second component, redesign KM s financial management system will finance: (i) an individual consultant as financial management advisor to the Deputy Mayor of KM for finance and administration, and (ii) a consultancy firm to develop a fully costed, time-bound realistically sequenced action plan for the implementation of institutional reforms that integrate information technology (IT) solutions for revenue management, accounting, and management development in KM. The third component, studies will support the following two sub-components: (i) household survey; and (ii) drainage studies. The fourth component, project management, works design, and supervision will finance: (i) the cost of KMDP senior consultants (United States (U.S.) 2.5 million dollars) for the management of the project; incremental operating costs for staff that will undertake detailed design for the community upgrading plans (CUPs) to be financed during the project s life, preparation of CUPs for future donor support, supervision of the works, office support, and the costs of management, monitoring and reporting (U.S. 11 million dollars); (ii) short-term individual consultants for specific tasks that may be needed during implementation (U.S. 1.5 million dollar |