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Egypt Project Notice - EGYPT-Farm-Level Irrigation Modernization

Project Notice

PNR 8177
Project Name EGYPT-Farm-level Irrigation Modernization
Project Detail The development objective of the Farm-level Irrigation Modernization Project for the Egypt, Arab Republic (EFIMP) of is to increase agricultural profitability and improve equity in access to higher-quality water for up to 140,000 small-scale farmers on up to 200,000 feddans (80,000 hectares) in the command areas of Mahmoudia, Manaifa, and Meet Yazid located in the Nile Delta. There are two components to the project. The first component of the project is marwa and farm-level irrigation improvements. This component supports marwa and farm-level irrigation modernization in the command areas of Mahmoudia, Manaifa and Meet Yazid. In these locations, branch canal and mesqa improvements have been carried out or are currently ongoing, and mesqa water user associations (WUAs) have been formed for sustainable operation and maintenance (O&M) and irrigation management. This component will provide financing for the following activities: (i) change of approximately 75 percent of the mesqa pump stations from diesel pumps to electric ones and installation of dedicated rural electric-power grids; (ii) farm-level improvements such as laser land-leveling, reshaping field drains, soil improvements, flexible hose systems, and gated pipes; (iii) support workshops for use and maintenance of mesqa and marwalevel works and land improvement activities; and (iv) field surveys, designs, and construction supervision and management. The second component of the project is farm-level technology modernization. This component aims to enhance farmer knowledge and uptake of improved irrigation and associated land improvement and crop production technologies in parallel with and in support of the marwa-level irrigation modernization carried out under component one. The component will include: (i) increasing farmer awareness of marwa improvements through farmer meetings and exchange visits; (ii) demonstra
Funded By worldbank
Sector Irrigation and drainage
Country Egypt , Northern Africa
Project Value EGP 180

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Address Egypt, Arab Republic of
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