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Cape Verde Project Notice - Protecting Adolescent Health And Rights

Project Notice

PNR 745
Project Name Protecting Adolescent Health and Rights
Project Detail The project supports adolescents, particularly girls aged 13-18, in 71 communities in Nigeria and Senegal where teenagers are exposed to high levels of risk to their health. The project is designed to increase healthy behaviours among adolescents to reduce the risks of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections and early/unwanted pregnancies. The project also seeks to better protect adolescents, especially girls, from violence and sexual abuse and improve literacy and vocational skills among participating adolescents. World Renew is working in partnership with Evangelical Lutheran Church of Senegal (EELS) and Evangelical Health Coordination Committee (CECS) in Senegal and Beacon of Hope Initiative (BHI) in Nigeria.
Funded By Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Sector Health & Medical
Country Cape Verde , Western Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name World Renew
Address 3475 Mainway STN LCD 1 Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8, Tel: 1-800-730-3490 (or 905 336 2920).
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