Project Detail |
About the Proponent: The Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF) is a network organization registered in 2006 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), with the aim of promoting the improvement of natural resource governance to achieve more sustainable rural livelihoods and better conservation outcomes. TNRF works for improved natural resources governance by helping to bridge the gap between i) People?s local natural resource management needs and practices, and ii) National natural resource management priorities, policies, laws and programs TNRF has more about 6,000 members originate from the core sectors (wildlife, forestry, land). TNRF membership includes CSOs, CBOs research institutions, community groups, academia, grassroots coalitions, networks and individuals. TNRF has done a lot of community development interventions that have generated enormous developmental impact on wildlife conservation and Tourism sector. TNRF has been able to create a significant trust and positive imageto its stakeholders, including local PSOs, NGOs, CBOs, and the Government and the donor community including emerge as a strong player in shaping and influencing natural resources management and conservation policy landscape specifically wildlife conservation, and tourism and coordinating numbers of working groups in Tanzania ie Wildlife Working group. View To achieve its vision and mission, TNRF coordinate numbers of five active working groups in Tanzania including: 1) Land based Investment Working Group (LBIWG), 2) Wildlife Working Group (WWG), 3) Tanzania forestry Learning Working Group( FLWG), 4) Joint Advocacy Task force ( JAT), and 5)Indigenous Community Conserved Areas in Tanzania. 3.0. Project?s Primary Objective: ? To monitor ICCAs projects, Document and disseminate Lessons Learned and Results accomplished in completed projects by ICCAs members that are working and support ICCAs in Tanzania and promoting scaling of community-based projects with Innovative, replicable and scale-up elements May 2022. 3.1 Specific objectives. 1. Build capacity of 24 ICCAs project facilitators to strengthen the capacity of relevant ICCA beneficiaries. 2. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of 25 ICCAs projects(11 new active and 13 phased out) to make sure that what they are doing is in line with agreed beneficiaries (relevant communities in the project) needs. 3. Document lessons learnt, best-practices, case studies, successes from the projects and share them within relevant projects. 3.2. Implementation Strategies: The project will use the following interrelated strategies to support partners: ? Capacity Building and mentorship. TNRF will offer capacity building to ICCAs partners, members and traditional structures that aim to implement community-based projects with their ICCAs. The capacity building will involve ICCAs self-strengthening process and mentorship on the effective ways of delivering ICCAs projects results. The capacity also involves to build their capacity on financial management and compliances issues to enable ICAs members to comply with national laws that guide organization operation in Tanzania. ? Technical support and Stakeholders engagement After approval of the relevant projects an inception technical meeting that involve all the projects and other relevant partners as TNRF will see necessary to develop a common understanding of all the implementing partners on what are the objectives of their projects and the related activities. Each partner will have to reflect on the objectives of the project and related activities also results and indicators at activity level and this will be agreed between implementing partner and TNRF. Project logical framework will be the main tool to align the project partner?s work and related activities. This will therefore harmonize the work plans and budgets for all partners into a standard format. ? Project Monitoring. The project will dedicate ICCAs technical team other ICCAs ICCA expert in Tanzania in joint monitoring of ICCAs projects that are supported and implemented by 11ICCA members and partners. The monitoring will also involve someone in one meeting with implementing partners for enhancing their capacity. Project Number:TAN/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/CD/2023/01 |