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Lebanon Project Notice - Generating Income For Disadvantaged Groups In Lebanon

Project Notice

PNR 68774
Project Name Generating income for disadvantaged groups in Lebanon
Project Detail Support for disadvantaged, peripheral neighbourhoods through cash for work measures in Lebanon (C4WL) Lebanon is in the midst of a structural economic and financial crisis. More than three-quarters of the population live in poverty. Given the duration and extent of the crisis, poorer sections of the population, in particular, have exhausted all coping strategies. At the same time, Lebanon has taken in a large number of refugees due to the crisis in Syria. The competition for declining public services and jobs is leading to increasing tension between refugees and members of the host communities. As a result of the difficult economic situation, budgets for public infrastructure and support services for vulnerable households are decreasing sharply. Young adults and women as well as people with disabilities have been especially affected. The economic situation for refugees and host-community residents has improved and they are increasingly able to cope with the crisis.
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Industry
Country Lebanon , Western Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Web Site

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