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Lebanon Project Notice - Promoting Peaceful Coexistence In Host Communities

Project Notice

PNR 68767
Project Name Promoting peaceful coexistence in host communities
Project Detail Peaceful Coexistence Lebanon (PCL) Lebanon has taken in around one and a half million Syrian refugees as a result of the crisis in Syria. No other country in the world hosts as many refugees in relation to its own population. At the same time, Lebanon is undergoing a sustained period of economic and financial crisis. The number of people living in poverty has almost tripled since 2018 and is now estimated at around 78 per cent of the Lebanese population. Nine out of ten Syrian refugee families in Lebanon live in extreme poverty. The constant strain of making a living amid conflicts over the distribution of resources is affecting relationships between refugees and host communities and leading to growing tension. The socio-economic conditions in disadvantaged urban areas of North Lebanon have improved, in particular for young people and women. People in the host communities live peacefully with the Syrian refugees.
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Industry
Country Lebanon , Western Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Web Site

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