Project Detail |
Project No. PPFS_01_2025S Project Title Use of GEN AI in APIP to Increase Private Sector Participation in PPFS Project Status Project in Implementation This project will study the potential use and integration of GEN AI in enhancing the Asia-Pacific Information Platform on Food Security (APIP) and attracting private sector engagement in PPFS work. The APIP is a sub-site to the APEC official web site for sharing food security information online. It has played a key role in sharing information on Food Security online since 2012 in the Asia-Pacific Region. Feedback gathered during SOM3s public-private retreat in Trujillo, Peru, in August 2024, revealed that private sector access to the portal is limited as the retrieval of relevant information is onerous. Through a workshop in SOM1, intersessional discussions, and a presentation in SOM3, we will explore the incorporation of GEN AI into the APIP site to potentially include an interactive feature to facilitate exchange of information between the private and public sectors. The ultimate aim is to attract and increase private sector participation in PPFS, which aligns with PPFSs priority of promoting public-private partnerships and investments to ensure greater resilience within food systems. |