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Chile Project Notice - Workshop On Trade And Investment Inter-Dependencies In Global Value Chains (Gvcs): Analyzing The Challenges And Differences Among Smes In The APEC Region

Project Notice

PNR 68589
Project Name Workshop on trade and investment inter-dependencies in global value chains (GVCs): Analyzing the challenges and differences among SMEs in the APEC region
Project Detail Project No. CTI_208_2024A Project Title Workshop on trade and investment inter-dependencies in global value chains (GVCs): Analyzing the challenges and differences among SMEs in the APEC region Project Status Project in Implementation Global Value Chains (GVCs) play a prominent role in the international production system of all APEC economies, becoming a relevant work area which closely relates with important workstreams such as Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Understanding trade and investment inter- dependencies in GVC in the region and the role SMEs play, would contribute to the goal of supporting both economic integration in the region, as well as promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and prosperity in the Asia Pacific Region. Activities include developing a research paper and conducting a workshop, engaging government officials, policymakers, private sector and APEC stakeholders. The project aims to deepen the understanding on SME''s business strategies in GVCs in the region, identifying trends, challenges and opportunities, which could enhance policy coherence in trade and investment disciplines among member economies.
Funded By Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Sector Industry
Country Chile , All Region
Project Value CLP 112,963

Contact Information

Company Name Undersecretariat of International Economic Affairs of Chile
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