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Poland Project Notice - The Mutual Effect Of Levels Of Trust And Regulation Over Time: Analyzing Energy Regulation In The European Union

Project Notice

PNR 67853
Project Name The mutual effect of levels of TRUst and REGulation over time: Analyzing ENergy regulation in the European Union
Project Detail Trust in the EU energy regulation Trust and regulation are crucial for societal advancement. Policymakers make design choices based on trust when creating rules. However, the ongoing processes through which trust and regulation influence each other over time are not fully understood. In this context, the EU-funded TRUREGEN project will use quantitative and qualitative methods to study the relationship between trust and regulation in EU energy regulation from 2008 to 2022 in terms of specificity, broadness, and stability. The project will analyse the correlation between the nature of this regulation and the levels of trust and distrust among critical EU and national actors such as policymakers, regulators, consumers, and citizens. It will also investigate the causal mechanisms underlying these correlations. Trust and regulation are key aspects that allow the advancement of the society. In setting regulations to govern the behavior of citizens, firms, states and policymakers adopt regulatory design choices that are partly grounded in trust between them and key actors in the field at hand. However, we do not know a lot when it comes to iterative processes through which trust and regulation affect each other over time. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, TRUREGEN aims to study the bidirectional relation between levels of trust and regulation. Focusing on the case of EU energy regulation during 2008-2022, the project 1) maps the nature of EU energy regulation along two key dimensions (specificity-broadness; stability-revisability), 2) assesses statistically significant relations between such a nature and current and past levels of trust/distrust among key EU and national actors (policymakers, regulators, regulatees, consumers, citizens), and 3) traces causal mechanisms underpinning these statistically significant relations. Expertise and facilities offered by the host (KU; Prof. Latusek), together with my existing experience and talent, mutually reinforce my development as independent researcher during the fellowship. In addition, advanced training (e.g. statistics, grant writing, science communication), two-way knowledge transfer allow me to realize my long-term career goals after the fellowship. A customized dissemination and communication plan will make the project and its results known well beyond the academic community, while also seeking active engagement with a wider audience (e.g. workshops, class experiments). Altogether, TRUREGEN at once bridges a major scientific gap, enhances my future career prospects, and makes a timely contribution to pressing societal debates.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Energy, Power and Electrical
Country Poland , central europe
Project Value PLN 155,794

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