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Serbia Project Notice - Advancing Data-Based Policy-Making In Urban And Regional Development And Wide-Scale Implementation For Sustainable Environments

Project Notice

PNR 67852
Project Name Advancing Data-Based Policy-Making in Urban and Regional Development and Wide-Scale Implementation for Sustainable Environments
Project Detail Fostering researcher excellence for data-based policymaking Data-based technologies and innovation are crucial for the ongoing management and development of cities and organisations, as well as for the creation and assessment of novel policies. However, the current research ecosystem lacks the necessary expert research groups for data-based policy analytics, which are essential for implementing sustainable solutions and policies. The EU-funded UR-WISE project aims to encourage reforms at both the system and organisational levels while establishing a competitive and permanent expert research group focused on data-based policy analytics for urban and regional development. The project also plans to better integrate FEUN into the ERA, increase mobility within both organisations, improve research excellence and implement changes and partnerships to enhance efficiency. UR-WISE aims to achieve long-term excellence, institutional recognition, visibility, and better integration of the host institution (FEUN) in the European Research Area. Led by ERA Chair holder, the project seeks to foster competitiveness in research funding by promoting institutional reforms at both system and organisational level. It aims to establish a permanent and excellent research group in the field of data-based policy analytics for resilient urban and regional development. This is to be achieved through clearly defined and measurable specific objectives: ? Establish an excellent research group fostering brain circulation and inter-sectoral mobility to create brain gain for FEUN, by increasing the number of R&I professionals relocated to ERA team and placing a strong emphasis on international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility; ? Implement structural changes at FEUN to enhance its institutional framework by joining international networks and associations, forming alliances with economic faculties, and establishing partnerships with research-intensive institutions; ? Increase FEUN’s research excellence and profile in data-driven policy analytics through training opportunities, mentorship programs and collaboration with global partners; ? Enact organisational changes to enhance contributions to knowledge-based economy and secure competitive research funds by upgrading research infrastructure, founding research institute, and forming partnerships with technology park; ? Conduct a series of research to enhance FEUNs capacity for policy advising at local and national levels, by utilising a multifaceted methodology integrating spatial analysis, citizen engagement and multidimensional evaluation techniques. The project leverages the ERA Chair holders international network to establish collaborations, foster research excellence and attract outstanding scientists, thereby addressing the need for more and better links between R&I actors across the ERA.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Environment and Pollution
Country Serbia , Southern Europe
Project Value RSD 2,491,694

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