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Thailand Project Notice - The Project For The Acceleration Of Livestock Revolution In Thailand Aiming To Be The Kitchen Of The World Through The Development Of Novel Technologies For Stable Livestock Production And Food Safety

Project Notice

PNR 67713
Project Name The Project for the Acceleration of Livestock Revolution in Thailand aiming to be the Kitchen of the World through the Development of Novel Technologies for Stable Livestock Production and Food Safety
Project Detail In Asian countries, livestock farming is currently progressing rapidly and is being described as a livestock revolution. The Thai government has been promoting increased production and export of livestock products (chicken, eggs, pork, beef, and dairy products) through initiatives such as the Worlds Kitchen (2002) and the Beef Cattle and Buffalo Production Promotion Policy (2006). We have been actively promoting policies related to this. As a result, both domestic consumption and export volumes of livestock products increased. On the other hand, the country has suffered economic losses due to the outbreak of cross-border livestock infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza, including restrictions on the export of livestock products for many years. Furthermore, the contamination of meat with food-poisoning bacteria is also an impediment to the supply of safe food. This cooperation will develop a differential diagnosis system for important infectious diseases in livestock, including foot-and-mouth disease, and an initial epidemic prevention system using epidemic prediction models, as well as technology to prevent pathogen contamination of livestock products. We aim to establish integrated livestock epidemic prevention technology in Japan, and contribute to the establishment of a system that can provide stable and sustainable livestock production and safe livestock products.
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Sector Administration & Marketing
Country Thailand , South Eastern Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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Company Name Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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