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Tajikistan Project Notice - Project For Improving Quality Of Primary Health Care Services

Project Notice

PNR 67697
Project Name Project for Improving Quality of Primary Health Care Services
Project Detail Child mortality in Tajikistan is high in the Central Asian region and needs improvement. In addition, the disease burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, is increasing, and the need for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of NCDs is growing. The Government of Tajikistan has identified the promotion of prevention and early detection of non-communicable diseases, as well as the provision of basic maternal and child health services, by strengthening primary health care (PHC) provided at the level closest to the population and communities as a key challenge. Against this background, this project aims to strengthen the overall level of primary health care in the country by transferring skills to PHC workers and improving PHC equipment to address new issues such as NCDs and nutrition, starting with maternal and child health care in the target areas. (1) Overall Goal: The quality of PHC services in the target areas will be improved. (2) Project Purpose: Health services of PHC-related institutions in the project area will be strengthened. (3) Output Output 1: The functions of PHC-related institutions in the target areas will be improved. Output 2: Activities of PHC-related institutions in maternal and child health, nutrition, and NCDs control will be activated. Output 3: Awareness-raising activities on maternal and child health, nutrition, and NCDs will be conducted in the target communities with effective communication and participation of the population.
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Sector Electronics
Country Tajikistan , Central Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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Company Name Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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