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Various Countries Project Notice - Modernising Municipal Services In The Western Balkans

Project Notice

PNR 67672
Project Name Modernising municipal services in the Western Balkans
Project Detail Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe – Modernisation of Municipal Services The countries of the Western Balkans are striving to join the European Union. However, the accession process carries challenges for municipal authorities, especially when providing public services and developing the local economies. Moreover, local administration and public utility companies lack the necessary skills for proper waste and water management, and in many cases the cooperation with private companies and civil society is insufficient. As a result, the countries do not reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and do not yet fulfil EU standards. Objective Cities and municipalities in the Western Balkan countries are improving conditions for providing public services and developing the local economies in line with EU requirements.
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Oil & Gas
Country Various Countries , Southern Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Web Site

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