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India Project Notice - Sustainable Global Business Breakthrough Ecosystem Project 2025

Project Notice

PNR 67640
Project Name Sustainable Global Business Breakthrough Ecosystem Project 2025
Project Detail In India, the manufacturing industry is expected to play a major role in creating jobs, but the proportion of the manufacturing industry in the countrys workforce remains at 13.3% (World Bank, 2022). In order to achieve inclusive growth throughout the country, it is necessary to create jobs through further growth in the manufacturing industry. The Indian government sees the restructuring of global supply chains after the COVID-19 pandemic as a golden opportunity to transform the country into a global manufacturing hub, and to achieve this, it is important to form business linkages with overseas companies, including Japan. This project aims to expand business collaboration in the industrial and academic sectors of both Japan and India by promoting exchanges between Japanese and Indian companies through business matching and networking events, promoting education on entrepreneurship and start-ups for Indian students, and strengthening the operational capabilities of support services such as business meetings to promote business between Japan and India. This will promote the development of an ecosystem that creates business innovation throughout India and foster a comprehensive Indian manufacturing industry. [Overall goal] By building an ecosystem that creates business breakthroughs, Indias manufacturing industry will be developed, leading to inclusive growth. [Project purpose] Strengthening of systems for Japan-India business collaboration and promotion of self-sustaining development will be promoted, and collaboration in the business sector and academia in both Japan and India will be expanded. [Outcomes] Outcome 1: With reference to Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0, exchanges between Japanese and Indian companies will be promoted by supporting startups of Indian companies, business matching with Japanese companies, networking events, pitch events, etc. Outcome 2: Innovative education on entrepreneurship and starting a business for Indian students will be promoted. Outcome 3 : Capacity to manage support services related to Japan-India business will be strengthened.
Funded By Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Sector Forestry
Country India , Southern Asia
Project Value Plz Refer Document

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Company Name Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
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