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Egypt Project Notice - Supporting Egovernment And Innovation In The Public Administration (Innopa)

Project Notice

PNR 67578
Project Name Supporting eGovernment and Innovation in the Public Administration (InnoPA)
Project Detail Supporting digital public administration in Egypt Digitalisation is driving economic and social development in Egypt. The government therefore needs a framework to ensure a successful digital transformation, encompassing IT infrastructure, laws and professional development. However, the digitalisation of public administration and administrative formalities also poses challenges. There are few rules currently governing the IT sector, and some of the rules that do exist are contradictory. A number of civil servants worry that they will be replaced by technology. There are also low digital literacy rates among both citizens and civil servants. This digital divide amplifies inequalities in the population. Disadvantaged groups, such as people with disabilities, therefore face the risk of being left behind by digitalisation. Objective The Government of Egypt is creating the prerequisites for the digital transformation of public administration with a more citizen-centric approach. Approach In cooperation with the Egyptian Government and companies from the digital economy, the project aims to help all citizens share in the benefits of digitalisation. It plans to achieve this through the following measures: The project supports the government in creating rules and processes for a citizen-oriented digital transformation and making corresponding changes in administration. Additionally, it promotes training measures for civil servants to prepare them for the digital transformation. Modified processes and staff training enable the administration to work on innovations such as digitalising more administrative formalities and making digital offerings more user-friendly. The project also creates digital modules that can be used for many different online platforms and processes. Examples include user databases and opportunities for users to register and pay online.
Funded By Self-Funded
Sector Advertising & Media
Country Egypt , Northern Africa
Project Value Plz Refer Document

Contact Information

Company Name German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Web Site

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