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Liberia Project Notice - Liberia Media Empowerment Project (LMEP)

Project Notice

PNR 67392
Project Name Liberia Media Empowerment Project (LMEP)
Project Detail The specific objective is to enhance freedom of expression and information by strengthening media professionalism and quality of information delivery while promoting human rights and democracy Expected result 1. Disinformation, fake news and hate speech are countered through media literacy and enhanced journalists’ capacities. Expected result 2. Human rights and democratic accountability are promoted through increased public awareness and investigative journalism. Expected result 3. The enabling environment for the promotion of freedom of opinion, expression, and access to information is fostered through dialogue, consultations, and advocacy. Objectives The global objective is to contribute to enhancing the democratic governance of Liberia by empowering and building the capacities of the Liberian Civil Society and the Media. Deliverables Expected result 1. Disinformation, fake news and hate speech are countered through media literacy and enhanced journalists’ capacities. Outputs: Over 20 radio programmes produced and aired; over 35 social media communications materials on mis- and disinformation produced and published; over 100 fact-checking reports produced and published; 10 fora held at youth intellectual centres; 2 fact-checking training of trainer sessions for LVL and TSM staff; 3 universities adopt a fact-checking manual; 50 journalists and 60 journalism students trained in fact-checking. Expected result 2. Human rights and democratic accountability are promoted through increased public awareness and investigative journalism. Outputs: 30 human rights fora with CSOs and state actors; a training manual on investigative journalism produced; 4 investigative journalism trainings organised for 50 journalists; 50 student journalists trained on investigative journalism; 20 in-depth investigative stories; 3 investigative projects (1 per university). Expected result 3. The enabling environment for the promotion of freedom of opinion, expression, and access to information is fostered through dialogue, consultations, and advocacy. Outputs: 4 high-level stakeholder dialogues on Freedom of Information (FOI); 1 FOI communication campaign and digital application; 6 strategic engagement fora for the adoption of the data privacy legislation; 2 stakeholder engagements on Media Self-Regulation; 3 media annual safety reports; 1 training on digital security for the committee.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector Advertising & Media
Country Liberia , Western Africa
Project Value LRD 1,083,700

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Company Name Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism
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