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Tajikistan Project Notice - Supporting The Implementation Of Tajikistan’S Sustainable Growth

Project Notice

PNR 67105
Project Name Supporting the Implementation of Tajikistan’s Sustainable Growth
Project Detail Project Name Supporting the Implementation of Tajikistan’s Sustainable Growth Project Number 58481-001 Country / Economy Tajikistan Project Status Active The SSTA will strengthen the development and delivery of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the Republic of Tajikistan 2026-2030 by facilitating evidence-based and policy and programming through the development and dissemination of sectoral and thematic knowledge products and capacity development support to the government in programming, preparing, and implementing assistance to respond effectively to policy and development challenges. The TA support is expected to result in a new CPS that reflects the priorities of key stakeholders, as well as adequate portfolio quality in Tajikistan.
Funded By Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Sector Advertising & Media
Country Tajikistan , Central Asia
Project Value TJS 225,000

Contact Information

Company Name Tajikistan Resident Mission (TJRM)
Web Site

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