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France Project Notice - Cavity Control Of Quantum Phases In Nanophotonic Cavities

Project Notice

PNR 67041
Project Name Cavity cOntrol of quantuM PhAseS in nanophotonic cavitieS
Project Detail Research could deepen understanding on superconductivity and novel quantum phases Cavity quantum-electrodynamics delves into the interactions between light and matter within a confined space, offering profound insight into quantum phases and superconductivity. Funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme, the COMPASS project will delve into the theoretical exploration of superconductivity and many-body phases using nanophotonic cavities. Focus will be placed on hyperbolic phonon polariton (HPP) cavities. These cavities promise unprecedented control over electronic structures, potentially deepening our understanding of exotic superconductivity and unveiling new quantum states of matter. The study will involve the development of innovative theories for strongly correlated materials within nanophotonic cavities, combining solid-state physics, quantum optics, and many-body physics. The COMPASS project, acronym for Cavity cOntrol of quantuM PhAseS in nanophotonic cavitieS, delves into the theoretical exploration of inducing and controlling superconductivity and other many-body phases using nanophotonic cavities. Situated in the field of cavity quantum-electrodynamics (cQED), COMPASS leverages the strong-coupling light-matter interactions characteristic of hyperbolic phonon polariton (HPP) nanophotonic cavities. Offering a significant advancement over traditional Fabry-Pérot cavities, HPP cavities promise unprecedented control over electronic structures, potentially deepening our understanding of exotic superconductivity and introducing novel quantum states of matter. This project necessitates the development of novel theories for strongly correlated materials embedded in nanophotonic cavities, by merging solid-state, quantum optics, and many-body physics. The action will be carried out by Dr. Gian Marcello Andolina at Collège de France under the supervision of Dr. Marco Schirò. The project integrates the Researchers advanced expertise in quantum nanophotonics and solid state physics with the Hosts mastery of many-body theory. The multidisciplinary environment of the Hosting Institution will be pivotal for the success of the Action for the growth of the Researcher.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector BPO
Country France , All Region
Project Value EUR 195,915

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