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Austria Project Notice - Mountbuzz: Relating Context-Dependent Bee-Flower Interactions To Macroevolution

Project Notice

PNR 66495
Project Name MountBuzz: relating context-dependent bee-flower interactions to macroevolution
Project Detail Understanding plant–pollinator interactions The evolution of flowers, propelled by animal pollinators, plays a crucial role in plant speciation and overall success. Plant–pollinator interactions, influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors, are inherently complex. Yet, a thorough comprehension of how these factors impact flower fitness and adaptation is essential. The ERC-funded MountBuzz project integrates community ecology and macroevolutionary modelling to investigate plant–pollinator interactions across four tropical elevations. Its goal is to discern which flower phenotypes are most suitable for various environmental conditions. The project will amalgamate field observations with pollination experiments to ascertain how the relationship between phenotype and fitness varies based on context. Additionally, it will employ machine learning-based predictive modelling and phylogenetic comparative methods.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Sector BPO
Country Austria , Western Europe
Project Value EUR 1,498,634

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