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Spain Project Notice - Marine Reciprocating Superconducting Generator (RSG)

Project Notice

PNR 66050
Project Name Marine Reciprocating Superconducting Generator (RSG)
Project Detail MArine REciprocating Superconducting Generator (RSG). MARES aims at developing a next generation of ultrahigh force Superconducting Direct Drive PTOs for wave energy conversion. The maximum power that can be extracted from a planar wave is proportional to the wave period and to the square of the wave amplitude but, to extract this power, the hydrodynamic parameters of the Wave Energy Converter must be modified and this means having the availability of producing high reactive forces. The proposed Reciprocating Superconducting Generator (RSG) is simpler than other existing superconducting generators due to the fact that its alternating movement allows the direct integration into wave energy converters where the primary energy source is also moving in a reciprocating way. This RSG consists of a Circular Switched Reluctance Machine housed inside a flexible moving cryostat with bellows, avoiding the need of any feedthrough for any moving part. The machine is cooled down using a Cryogenic Supply System (CSS) which recirculates helium gas through the coils and the radiation screen and current leads at two different temperatures. The project proposes to build a full system prototype to be tested at the laboratory scale and to analyse its implementation into two existing WEC systems developed by two technologists participating in the project. A set of the prototype generator coils will be made from MgB2 superconducting technology, while the other one will use REBCO tapes. The achieved results for different temperatures will be compared. In both cases the proposed technology will profit from the latest advances in superconductivity and very specifically in recent developments in superconducting magnet technology provided by six of the participants, including the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), a world leader in such activities, in a perfect example of bringing the forefront technologies to social applications.
Funded By European Union (EU)
Country Spain , Southern Europe
Project Value EUR 2,995,998

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